System Pics 2024

Looks great you shouldn’t need a sub like that. :thinking:

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The Krystal was another option at similar price. I had Dynavector 10x5Mk2 so got a small trade in value.

It’s difficult because you can’t demo a cart and dealers don’t have every cart on turntables and it sounds different on each tonearm and set up.

As you have Rega arm the Apheta 3 is great cart at similar price range.

I always think it’s nice to make a change with cart.

At the stage I am with LP12 the choice I made was spot on.

If I move up to Radikal, Keel etc.I might go for a higher spec cart. Depends how much you want to spend and then there’s replacement as well.

It’s getting balance right. You have mid specced LP12 so Kendo could be good if you have £3k to spend. Or Lyra carts. I wasn’t willing to spend much more than £1500 on current spec. Could easily go for Lyra at £2500 to £3000 in future, funds permitting.

The tonearm, cartridge, phonostage is very important.

I think Linn are recommending power supply first as upgrade now. I am after a Radikal this year. Mk 1 or 2 used, depending on price and finances.

Have you done the Kore?


If you look after your records you could be lucky and get an extra year or two before cart replacement. Other option is get diamond retipped or cart refurbished.

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Thanks Mike,

Very pleased with all the changes over 2023 which have been big. New placement of stacks, going from 2 to 3 Fraim stacks. Speakers have made biggest impact. Going from £2.5k to £15k speaker has by far been biggest upgrades.

And of course upgrades to streaming source, LP12 and 52 replacing 82, not to mention 5 Powerlines.

And general room changes, moving furniture and getting rid of stuff and redecoration!

Heaven knows what 2024 will bring. In my mind Radikal 1 or 2 and Nap 500 are on the list. But with uncertain health who knows?

Will keep going with system and room changes as it brings so much fun!


Thanks garcon. You have to keep going and enjoying life no matter what life brings.


Have you considered 2nd Fraim stack, instead of current shelving? I picked up 2 Fraimlite shelves for about £200. Then added Fraim glass, balls and cups. Used Fraim base cost me about £660 used. I think it would complete the look of your system.

Or go Fraimlite base.

Obviously already running Apheta 3 and it’s a natural option to stay with it and have a new one next time.
As you say, budget is important. I decided a while ago that £1.5k was where I wanted to stay, so that means DV XX-2, Lyra Delos, Hana ML/MH, Linn Krystal.
It’ll be interesting to see what options I can demo before deciding on a purchase.


Yeah, I’m quite happy with my rack choices.
I’m not looking to change anything in that area.
There is room to add an extra shelf at the bottom of the TT rack to shift the Phono Stage down to a shelf of its own. That option is being discussed next week.

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And the other thing is you will get a small trade in value if you stick with Rega carts, which will work perfectly with your arm.

But then you don’t necessarily want to get same cart everytime.

With my dealer we looked at DV XX2 MK2, DV KARAT D17DX. I was advise the latter was not as robust although the same price but was better for female vocals. The former is more robust and more for rock, dance and reggae.

I listen to rock pop, rock, heavy rock, metal and dance mainly. Some classical and jazz every now and then.

The DVXX2 Mk2 was tailored to my tastes, my system and tonearm with help from dealer.

I am happy at this level. I previously had a cheaper cart in comparison. I don’t know how I would feel about using a £3k or £6k or £9k cart like some have here.

It doesn’t take much for an accident to happen! And then bye bye cart!

I guess getting used to what I have as it’s a big step up in price and then take it from there later down the line.


What’s the small-ish cylinder front and middle, QS?

Very efficient, WiFi controllable, Ceramic Fan Heater.
Warms the whole space up from cold in 20 minutes. :cold_face: :arrow_right: :hot_face:


Lol, I thought it was some sort of satellite speaker or proto-sub.

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I know there’s a lot wrong here… but I’m happy :blush: In comes the DC-1 to replace the Mark Grant job @daddycool thank you. In come the Kudos Super10a to replace the little Neats. @ratrat I think I have struck a nice system balance here.


Lovely looking room @JohnnyReggie , one of the best I’ve seen on this forum :+1:



Two quick thoughts

  1. Wow, what a fantastic room.
  2. Loving the USM modular furniture. (IMO works really well with most hifi).
    So cool. Always been a fan of the USM look.

Thanks for sharing pictures. So glad you did. :+1:

Actually, the Naim system is pretty cool too :wink:
Good luck with the incoming Kudos Super10A’s …
Do let us all know how you get on with them.

Happy listening.


Very kind Blackstar thank you. What was at the back of mind was that sometimes your system just has to fit in with the room and the way you live. Right now that’s me… the speakers even seem to work around the back of the sofa :joy::joy:


Thank you RR. Kudos speakers are a delight and a decent step forward. I’m glad to hear your comments on the USM kit, they’re pretty solid when they’re stuffed full of magazines :wink: Also, I’m trying KS-1 cables not a fair comparison with A5 which is burned in so I’ll see how we go :+1:t3:

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Listened to the Super10A’s last year when auditioning speakers - they were absolutely superb (preferred them to the 20A’s actually).

If standmounts had been domestically acceptable I would have bought them in a heartbeat.


Looks absolutely wonderful @JohnnyReggie !


It’s funny isn’t it. In our house floor-standers are the product of the devil. Yet a small box on a piece of scaffold is acceptable…:man_shrugging:t2: