System Pics 2024

Wonderful system and room!
Cheers from Hamburg


Great work our lord n Master!

Where on earth do you find the energy :wink::joy::sunglasses: I’d find it hard to not put me feet up and enjoy….!


Ah, that’s why you’re ‘dusty’ :slight_smile:


Listening to this now. Really good.


Wow… looks like grandioso monoblocks ,cd player and N01xd streamer , with marten .

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Lovely Paul, whilst many like to keep adding boxes (never satisfied :rofl:) it’s nice to see a classic system that sounds fantastic without adornments :+1:

Looks like you would need to sell a lot of bicycles to afford it…

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Ah yes, and there’s a great and very interesting story as to why. I’ll save that for another day :joy::wink:

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It lacks the dynamics I have at home. :wink:
I will never use £100000 on a set of speakers. Not even if I win the Euro Lottery.

I would. Nothimg wrong with spending money on speakers if you have the funds. If you have it then get it. If it makes you happy do it! A friend of mine has a £500000 system. Sounds amazing. His plugs are £5k each. It makes him happy! What can you say? Do what’s right for you!



I’d far rather give that to charity or help someone or some cause. In all honesty I couldn’t spend that much on equipment to listen to music that ‘may make me happy’ because I know it wouldn’t.

I’m more than happy with my system and know that it sounds just as good as many costing £££ more.

I really do believe that a lot on here forget about the fact that it’s about listening to music and focus more on the ‘look at what I can afford’.

There’s lots on this forum who’ve had a lot of health issues yet spend more time sitting on their backsides listening all day to music than getting out and exercising! And they wonder why they’re the size they are.

Rant over!


The biggest lie in the hifi business is that more expensive means better.

Børresen was a good example of this. They played on their most expensive stuff. I said Nah.
But dont get me wrong, it was really good.

Unfortunately, Naim was not represented.


How do you know what people with health issues do? Why is it not possible that they may listen to music at the same time as doing other activities? Why do you assume people with health issues are heavy?

I do however agree with your other points about enjoyment of music rather than spending of money.


Whilst some people might to some seem like spending mouth watering funds on their hobbies/obsessions, I always remind myself that the goods being purchased have helped a lot of people stay in work, it funds the economy, and pays tax into the system that we all enjoy through policing, schooling, NHS, councils etc.


A bit judgmental and condescending. Nobody on here has any right to criticise anyone else for spending more than them, or any right to feel superior for “understanding’ a true love of music is better than expensive gear. We are all a bit ridiculous for spending more than could ever be described as “necessary”. And we are all just at different points on a scale - a fairly ludicrous scale. Looking down at others who have spent less is pathetic. Looking down on others who have spent more is equally pathetic - and what’s more is hypocritical too as we have all spent more than the vast majority of the world


Love the tape decks, hard to find good quality analog here now.


It’s a one stack life … for us

It’s a one stack life … for us

Brains and brawn’s

Who needs ‘em?


Looks nice and I know those Spendors sing, too. Nice job with the PSU tucked underneath - clean :soap:

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There aren’t enough electrostatic loudspeakers on show here!


My ‘new’ 202/200 system: