System Pics 2024

This is the previous system for the basement, 62/Flatcap/90


oooo… a 582? I had one of those for over 20 years until the plastic frontage eventually degraded and I couldn’t get it fixed or replaced. Also do I spy a Meridian 206? Had one of those as well but the mech kept sticking.

But all very nice and looks good.


Thanks Pete. They do get used too. There’s a Sony TC-755 Reel to Reel (although it currently needs me to replace the brake linings) which plays a fairly big collection of pre-recorded reel tapes from the US. There’s also a very lightly used Nakamichi BX-300E on the left-most stack, which is out of picture, and then of course the Nakamichi 582, which was originally owned by our very own @davidhendon . It was in very nice superficial condition but hadn’t been used in many years so needed a full overhaul of the transport and re-cap of the electronics. The audio circuits were tweaked as well, so it now sounds about as good as cassette can get - probably better even than my ZX-9! What I love about the 582 is that, just like the ZX7 and 9, just about everything is manually adjustable by the user - playback and record azimuth, as well as sensitivity and bias for each tape type.

The little box on top of the 582 is a rare Nakamichi Trial-Tracer remote control. This was originally designed for the Nakamichi 700 and 1000, but also happens to work perfectly with most later 3 head Naks.


Yes,there’s a Meridian 206 in there, which, as well as being a classic piece of audio design, is a great CD transport for the Naim DAC. It uses the same Philips RC5 code set as Naim too, so can be operated by Naim remote handsets, which is a nice touch.


I would love to know how many turntables/ cd players /amps etc you actually own Richard? I’m a great hoarder myself on the grounds of something being possibly useful in the future… Last year my wife was trying to ‘tidy’ my stuff a bit and was unamused to find an electric saw under an armchair! She just shook her head in disbelief


Me too!


Looks very similar to a room at the „Norddeutsche hifi Tage“?
Could the same setup …

The only upgrade is a new Lego set😀


Perfect update :heart_eyes:

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That (aluminium?) shelving is really nice, if commercially available, could you share the details?

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If you got chrome or green let be seen,


Old pic



An average anything Nakamichi here would cost well in advance of $5k and reel to reels +$10k if you can find them.

If only we knew 40 years ago what we know now.


Love the Henley on Thames station sign​:+1:t2: what’s your views on the new Lego phone :phone: box build, it goes well with your system.


Yes, it is aluminium shelving, which was made for me by a man who helped out with building shelves in the house. As far as I know, he has moved away, and I am no longer in touch with him.

Sorry not to be able to help.

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New pic


Well, it’s the best set I’ve seen yet.

Could easily be mistaken for a real Nova…


Yes you may have a point there, so possibly a rant to far with that one :rofl: :+1:

Yes, it is aluminium shelving, which was made for me by a person who helped out with building shelves in my house. I haven’t been in touch with him in ages, he may have moved away from the area.

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