Tea - what are our favourites, how do we have it?

Either Fortnums Countess Grey or Twinnings Lady Grey. Loose, no bags.

No sugar. A splash of milk in the morning.


I shall be putting this to the test! :thinking:

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I get my teas from the wonderful Kent & Sussex Tea and Coffee Co in Pluckley. Last order was these three beauties, all of which must only ever be served with no milk and no sugar, like any other tea.


Cream in the tea, as opposed to cream on the scones (rhymes with stones)? That reminds me of “English tea” served in Hong Kong cafes - using evaporated milk (Carnation or somesuch)!

How refreshing - your comment as well as the tea!

I live in hope that one day I’ll read a thread on this forum free from the judgemental pretentiousness exhibited by a few contributors (nearly always the usual suspects, who know everything). Personal experience and gentle recommendation is fine, but why can’t we leave the rubbishing of others’ preferences at the door?


Hmm, some posts seem to have disappeared since last time I looked in. - did I miss any excitement? Unexpected as tea is usually so calming!


Right that’ll teach me for not paying attention and going to the wrong supermarket - just picked up No.22 in error at Waitrose - £4, similar colour pack. Asda is only as mile or so from Waitrose but I couldn’t face or justify another store trip.


Take joy in the fact that you helped to fund the 25% off wine offer.
Thank you.:pray:


Well even worse, as we have minimum pricing here, none of the supermarkets (or at least M&S and Waitrose I know of) do the 25% off 6 anymore - really annoying as if they wanted to they could choose to only discount bottles where it would not impact on minimum pricing at the till - so long as you bought 6. Their systems will know how many units for a particular bottle/vintage, it ought to be trivial to then see if 25% can be applied in full at the till - if not just reduce the bottle to the level where it does not affect minimum pricing.

I tend not to buy much under £8-10 these days, often well above that, so this makes it even more annoying.

There may be times in the future when a trip across the border to stock up might save money even allowing for fuel. Worse for the environment, but they don’t think of things like that.

I can hear Sean Bean spinning round in one of his many graves

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I was a big Yorkshire Tea drinker but as with others, the plastic has put me off. I typically like it heavily brewed with a spot of milk.

On a weekend away I developed a real love for Harney’s English breakfast tea, black with a teaspoon of honey but at £15/box my passion didn’t last long :joy:

Currently on PG tips. Classy.

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Assam in the morning (if I don’t fancy coffee), Darjeeling in the afternoon. I find the everyday blends - PG Tips et al. - taste too sweet.

Skimmed milk - anything with fat makes it taste greasy to me. Oddly, I find the semi-skimmed brigade get very judgy if they find out. No sugar, even when I was a nipper.

If a pot is warranted, try a mix of half Assam, half Darjeeling for the best of both worlds. Yummy.


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Oh, and it’s disgusting.

It has flavourings!

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There’s always a jolly good reason not to go to an Asda in my experience.

Sounds like a schoolboy error has occurred on this! …a harsh lesson you’ll have to learn over 40 cups!

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Isn’t that interesting - lots of people have mentioned it. Just shows what a responsible bunch we are!

When a bunch of old farts like us vote with our feet on an environmental issue - people (Taylor’s of Harrogate specifically here!) need to sit up and take notice!

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But skimmed milk doesn’t contain fat!

Or I can just bin them!

The offending tea came from Waitrose, but I’ve never found ASDA a very nice experience though happily shop in Lidl/Aldi/Iceland etc

I really can’t explain it, though it sounds snobbish.

Green, In a can.


I agree. There is something about ASDA that makes me think they revel in the unpleasantness of the experience. Lidl/Netto’s/Aldi though - perfectly fine. Novelty brands notwithstanding.

Some of the ‘unknown’ brands of food, at least in Lidl and Aldi (I’ve never come across a Netto), are outstanding, and can be better than ‘name brands’. I just wish there was one (or both) where I live - it is a treat to stock up with things when visiting relatives, sadly not possible for over a year now and possibly not for another 6 months.