The Best 👌

Yes. Nice, aren’t they?

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I’m with you a good pen is a wonderful thing I traveled halfway around the world to get a good one, then lost it within a year.


Pete - you must tell us what it was!

When younger i used to covet some items like pens and watches. A dear friend, now passed away bought us both a fake Rolex Oyster perpetual from China. Only a dealer would be able to tell.
Got a call……he was chopping his firewood. It was not shock resistant. Still in the drawer as a memory to times gone by.


Montblac, the one I wanted I saw in NY for just over $200US, silly me thought I’d get it in France cheaper - I ended up paying twice as much.

This was in ‘94.


I was given a Longines watch by a family friend in the 70s think it was a 50s model I lost that as well. God I shatter to think what it’d be worth now. :grin:


Strangely, while I love hi-fi, electronics/gadgets and ultimately quality engineering I’ve never had the desire for a Rolex or similar watch - probably my personality but I find fancy watches rather ostentatious along with certain other luxury items.

Maybe it just means I can’t afford them! :joy:

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I think we’re on the subject of your lack of interest in fashion/style again.

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I’ve bought loads of pens over the years, but I always find myself going to a simple Caran d’Ache ballpoint pen for everyday use.

Not at all, I just hate pretentious pricks who’d flash items/cars for effect.


Haha, I think you should just get out, enjoy your life and not look at others. Have a great evening.

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Can you get them in Tesco?

I am already thank you.

I strongly suspect you don’t get my point.

I believe from your posts that you enjoy the finer things in life, simply for what they are, and I wasn’t referring to you. You know that anyway.

You would I hope concede that some people flash materialistic goods in an attempt to appear superior when they are simply lowlife.

Best wishes, AC. :smiley:


can I get that in blue lead?

‘For your pencil’?

alternatively, you can wave the cap in the same direction

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I would say just about everyone I know who has a fine watch or expensive car (some, collection of cars) is unpretentious. As a stat, I would say 1 out of 200 Facebook friends show off.

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I wholeheartedly agree with this - and will say that sometimes a good pen is a 99p Bic and sometimes its a Montblanc…

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Can’t argue with that, I may not move in the same circles but good to hear.

A lot of it boils down to personal choice though doesn’t it?

I’d rather like to have a fancy watch to see what all the fuss is about, but unless I had a better disposable income I’d still go for things which I enjoy and bring me pleasure rather than things which are luxurious and expensive for a reason.

House - would much rather have a better one.
Car - so long as it gets me from A to B I don’t really care too much and could probably do without.
iPhone (specifically) - purchased every 1-2 years from original until iPhone X which still works fine for me.
Computers - need a bit better quite frankly.
Hi-fi - most likely to purchase beyond my means in this category - it brings me pleasure and relaxes me.
Clothing - I’m no fashionista, at least when it comes to men’s clothing which is thoroughly boring. Tend to buy for me/comfort.
Food - love it.

I could go on, and on, and probably have it’s all irrelevant really.

Quality/enjoyment/value are all in the eye of the beholder.