The Doors

You may like this CD.
Killer take on Back Door Man (Petrified) among others:

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The Doors are one of my favorite bands. Sold all my vinyl some years ago and looking at buying Morrison Hotel and LA Woman very soon .


Or this from Annabel Lamb

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How about Master James Douglas Morrison in his first screen role, probably…

Showbiz kids start young!

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He was a good looking young man before the beer took over. A great shame!

I wonder what he would be doing now, if things had worked out differently? Professor of French Literature at UCLA, perhaps?

I think it was something a lot more damaging than beer, Graham… :neutral_face:

Well, we know it was Cognac and other hard liquor (the unedifying story of him urinating while sitting on someone’s couch having consumed a bottle of it, for one).

He was an avid user of acid in his younger years, for sure. I don’t think that particularly counts in terms of his health: a whole lot of people were experimenting… I’ll throw in Aldous Huxley as one example!

I could never picture Jim with a needle…but who knows? The Rock n Roll Circus account of his last night is pretty widespread.

PS - did you get your copy of the Genesis Labyrinth Graham? I remember you saying you’d ordered it some months back.

No, IO never managed to get hold of a copy, as my Visa card was compromised.

No matter,. I know enough of the story, including its sad end.


Some good news from DM at last (if they’ve done it right, and from Abrams’ master tapes, see below)

The Matrix sets on CD, looks to be in full - at bloody last! 37 tracks inc the jams. Be still my beating :heartbeat: September-ish.

(Caveat: if they’ve not just remastered the previous fairly shoddy CD set** but the increase in number of tracks is a hopeful sign.)

** this one

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At least the standard edition of Jim’s collected writings is still widely available at nowhere near the cost of the Genesis special edition.

Thank you. I will keep an eye out for them in September.

If anyone has 2hrs 41m ish spare, this may be of interest. I haven’t watched it myself yet, but hope it’s of reasonable worth. Beats most cable TV, I’m guessing!

Just for anyone who doesn’t know the history:
How long have Doors fans been waiting for The Matrix tapes (in good sound)?

Well, barring bootlegs in the late 70’s/early 80’s and the odd track/s here and there…since the official ‘announcement’ in 2002!


Bless Peter Abram for taping The Doors (and indeed the Velvets in 69) back in those halcyon days.

Finally splashed out on the analogue masters 45RM Doors albums - fantastic quality!
Can’t do this for every band - but wow - other than potentially Rega Aria to Rega Aura - this makes upgradities diminish for the hifi kit.
Hendrix are you experience all fab - but axis blod as love too expensive

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The AP 45’s are good aren’t they…I have yet to do a final shootout with the Hoffman DCC, but… I’ll keep both!

I was chuffed, having missed out on the box on release - so collecting the LPs singly, to finally get an Infinite boxset from the States. Small pleasures, but it’s really nice to have the set, boxed.

My lizardskin boxset kinda just sits there, now.

Rumours that Live At The Matrix may be also released as a 5LP set (this is The Doors - don’t hold your breath!)

Sept 8 (apparently)…some 5 or more years after this from- the-original-tapes complete release was first mooted to be on the cards.

With a hint of an unknown bonus for the deluxe set (may be a 7" single of Bags Groove).

Excited; still not holding my breath…as no official notice yet from DM (not unusual, sadly) apart from some kind of press release I haven’t tracked down a copy of yet.
14000 copies worldwide (presumably the LP set?)

But, fingers crossed. It’s about bloody time tbh. The maker of the tapes and The Doors reached agreement in 2009.

Ooh, announcement is up on the Doors website.
5 LP set 14000 numbered copies
3 CD set 21000 copies

My hopes increase…

LP and CD sets ordered.
Dare I chance a “yippee”?!

At long, long last.


Courtesy Bright Midnight Archives: a little tasty appetiser

(May god bless Danny for the Bright Midnight series of releases. RIP. Seems another world from the current DM.)

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