The Doors

Thanks, Ian, I’ll have a look.

Enjoying this on a hot Friday afternoon.


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A Morrison family photo I don’t recall seeing before…Jim looks like he’s plotting out The End…


Sorry for slow reply, @Mike_S…notifications went down.

Sound is really very good, much better than some recent releases (Bakersfield). There are issues with mic dropouts at times, but these have always been there (equipment problems during the gig).

I found my copies on Ebay as I’d not been able to cruise the record shops for awhile.

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Was looking yesterday for a short vid to post here in commemoration, but only found this just now. A day late but… the music’s never over:

(Think the link is faulty as a direct post, but it works with a click)

And this trailer (sadly the film was only shown in US cinemas at the time)

Early days. Live at the Avalon, March 1967…

Not great sound, but certainly not awful.

Just keeping the thread heartbeat alive, (he cried…)

Surely having one of the most recognisable & individual playing styles in ‘rock’ drumming:

John Densmore then

And now


Can’t let a mention of John Densmore pass without a link to this article from 2002, in which he explains why (as long as he’s alive) you’ll never hear a Doors song in a commercial.


Great article, thanks! I knew of John’s stance but hadn’t seen this.

I wish Doors Management under Jampol would have followed suit - Doors skateboards, baby clothes, gimmicks et al always chasing the mighty dollar :money_mouth_face:…puke…

“No one here gets out alive”



A cute earlier shot (1969, Gloria Stavers).

Just as Ringo was THE perfect drummer for the Beatles, John Densmore was the same for the Doors.


Like a glove, both.

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A nice photo make-up I found on FB.
Sniffen Court NYC


As we head into Autumn, seems apt…

Beautiful song too.

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Here in Cornwall we’re still waiting for summer…

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Summer was the few days of sunshine last week, I did manage a couple of BBQ’s whilst the sun shone. This week is autumn with a bit of an Indian summer forecast over this weekend and into the beginning of next week.

A typical wet Cornish winter is scheduled for the second half of next week with no sign of it ending.

As the weather guy on BBC this lunchtime stated, a few days of sunshine then back to normal.


I’m no lover of humid heat and blazing sunshine so I’m happy…

Rapidly becoming preferable to virtually continuous rain that has been the norm here most days since last October. My umbrella has become my most important possession. In all my years working I kept a cheap one in the car which saw occasional use. When I retired, knowing I would be doing a lot more day to day walking, I treated myself to a more expensive one. That one is now almost worn out!

When not going out in my car, there have only been half a dozen occasions when I have not taken the umbrella with me since last autumn & four of them were during last weeks mini heatwave.

Went shopping on Monday (on foot), left the brolly at home &, what a surprise, it rained…

Thanks for cheering me up!


I have to put up with it as well, I seem to live under a permanent grey cloud at the moment.

Although I will have a dry dog walk tomorrow morning apparently.