The Naim app is so janky

This is a horrible feedback result for a software product any way you look at it

Is it? I suspect this is indicative of feedback that most software will receive from general users, mostly contradictory, and suggesting improvements.

Contradictions are a fact of life in software development, this is not a reason dismiss it. Sometimes, people want different things, then you try to solve it for as many cases as you can.

In the case of the Naim app, what you call contradictions is often simply the result of it e.g., crashing for some people and not for others. This is no contradiction, just different experiences.

I understand that. That was my point some threads back. I’m not here to say the app does not require improvements, of course it does.

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I don’t agree its truly indicative, if this thread also contained comments from 100% all the app users, then its balanced feedback. As it is this thread is a just a collections of ‘me too’ posts.
For the record my iOS works just fine & dare I mention its on a sorted network.

I am not talking about the thread but the feedback page on the app store. Such feedback will always be skewed to the negative, but I am a software support manager in real life and reading the Naim app feedback page makes my stomach hurt, literally.

And I don’t want to hear the crap about the network anymore, stop this silly excuse. The best network will not fix the things the OP mentioned (as I already detailed when the first person made the ridiculous network excuse) or make it search uPnP, or not become unresponsive due to too many Qobuz favorites, or show the Rovi data on Android, or the other things that have been mentioned.

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Have you considered volunteering to join the beta team, then you can contribute towards fixing the app problems

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I have, and I am. The Naim team is responsive and the last app release notes included already some of the issues I reported since joining not that long ago, as well as, of course, issues reported by the other beta users. I would mention other improvements that are already in the beta but am not allowed to speak about beta things :slight_smile:

I should add that “it’s your network” never was uttered by the Naim staff who is working with the beta users, the reported issues are always properly analyzed - and as far as I can tell, rarely turns out to be caused by the network. Don’t get me wrong, network issues exist, but some members are way to quick to use them as a reply to every legit complaint.

That said, the feature set is not really a beta topic, but there is a thread for that and Naim has an eye on it


Well said Mike. Of its nature, the forum tends to focus on the negative, because folks are generally (but not always) posting when they need help or when there is a problem.

No problem with app in this household, 4 users with about 8 devices controlling 4 NAIM streaming products, legacy and new, all rock solid.


What you are posting is really misleading and it kind of bothers me.

You post a chart that clearly mentions “11 ratings”, which isn’t representative at all. What even is that chart, the Naim app rating on the Apple store? Something else?

Let’s just view the breakdown of the Sonos app:

That’s a giant difference. The 5-star bar represents the overwhelming majority of votes, and that is with almost 49.000 votes in total.

Again the Naim app breakdown:

With the Naim app the 1-star rating is by far the largest group.

On a scale of 1-10 the Sonos app scores a 7.6 which is just fine for an app of this type. The Naim app scores a 5.2 which is just poor.


As already mentioned, all these charts are misleading in some way. I think you need to re-read my posts in there entirety, clipping sections out of my posts is a little unfair when someone is making a specific point.

You asked me to check out the user ratings, I went to the Apple Store and found the rating for the Naim app, there it is. If you think it’s misleading but yours is not, that’s exactly my point.

I dont have a problem with people not being happy with the app, or getting the app improved, what bothers me is the often sensationalist language used by people to justify their personal experience using the app. My original point s that using the term ‘janky’ to describe the app, in my opinion, is not warranted or is a poor term to use, and can be seen as misleading in itself.

Edit: If your conclusion from the graph you have posted is that the Naim app is ‘janky’, ie. of ‘extremely unreliable quality’, then fair enough. My conclusion would still be that it isn’t. The conclusion from the review I posted, which is from the Apple store and which you think is missleading, would also be that it is not janky.

Edit: Further to my main point I was trying to make. Based on the two graphs you have posted, one for the Sonos and one for the Naim app, and we agree that 7.6 does not represent ‘extremely unreliable quality’ but 5.2 does represent ‘extremely unreliable quality’, and you have spent 50,000 Euros on your Naim equipment, will you sell it for a loss and buy a Sonos?

Not on your nelly.

The problem I have with these web ratings is the relevance w.r.t. recent / current releases.
Do Apple & Android clear out the ratings when a new revision is released … a liberal pinch of salt required IMO, I prefer to balance the inputs from this forum, threads such as this one are probably more real world.

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From 2019:

Google announced it’s making a change to how its Play Store app ratings work. Instead of giving developers the choice of when ratings will reset, it will begin to weight app ratings to favor those from more recent releases.

“You told us you wanted a rating based on what your app is today, not what it was years ago, and we agree,” said Milena Nikolic, an engineering director leading Google Play Console, who detailed the changes at the Google I/O Developer conference today.

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We can debate on how to measure app ratings and feedback. Bottomline, the Naim app might do what it is supposed to do, but others are simply better. Better as in: more stable, nicer user interface etc.

The app simply is not up to par with the quality of the audio gear. Especially if you would like to interest the younger folks here who are used to apps like Spotify or Sonos or whatever other app, Naim should improve …

At least, that’s my two cents …


The Bluesound app works a lot better than the Naim.

There’s always a glitch every day. My phone is not state of the art, but with the Bluesound absolutely fine.

I couldn’t get the app to play my Qobuz Hi Res downloads until I unplugged the device.

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I contacted Naim support 9 days ago about help with app as it doesn’t work with my NAS drive. No news so far. Just a ticket number. Disappointing customer service! Makes me wonder what’s the point of having all this fabulous kit if it doesn’t work properly and there is inadequate customer support. Got £20ks worth of 2nd hand kit here. Probably cost 3 times that new and am not getting the service or the app that I need!

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Rarely ever have an issue with the app.

Maybe just lucky.

I think a lot of network discovery issues are down to the networking environment.

Naim rapidly corrected an issue with qobuz purchase downloads which showed a placeholder icon for over 50 albums for some time until I raised it.

I like the app personally.


It’s strange. The Naim app works here day in day out without any issues. We have an NDX2, Qute 2 and two Qbs, all wired. We multiroom, use party mode, access the nas, Qobuz and iRadio and it all just works. We can find all our music and do everything we want.

The trouble with a lot of these online reviews is that people who are quite happy tend not to post, so you get a preponderance of negative reports. It’s rather like this thread really. I’m sure a lot of those who have issues will find that it’s their network that’s janky.


In what way does it not work. The Naim App is looking for a UPnP server rrather than a NAS.

The NAS connects to the NDS no problem. But the App has been very hot and miss. The app is slow and doesn’t respond when I go into NAS drive from the app. It works sometimes and then it doesn’t! Detailed in earlier messages in this thread.