The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Though lighting around its circumference could come in handy in the dark I suppose. :melting_face:

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This topic is great, so many questions, so many people engaged.

And we haven’t even started talking about speaker matching with the new kit yet… :face_with_peeking_eye:


I for one am very impressed with the new range. It looks good, but still very ‘Naim’. Two boxes give you a great system with a simple one box upgrade option, if and when you’re ready (and have the readies) to improve things further.

I’ve always found all the PS options very confusing; different sized, priced and shaped boxes with no logic to a Luddite about which works with what. Making this simpler is a good thing I believe.

The new Classics are less esoteric for newbies too, again a good thing in my opinion, and the pricing couldn’t be simpler!


You have erotic interconnects?


A lot of this may still be helpful to some:

Hi Daren,

Sorry, that was me. I gave two sets of information to Marketing. (I’m Steve Sells, Technical Director of Electronics at Naim…or 110dB on this forum).

One set of information is for the manual and website, the other is for technical press.

We normally quote 8ohm power and always at 0.1% and will continue to do so.
The 4ohm, 2ohm, 1ohm and burst specs have been written for technical press in mind. Marketing liked my technical press spec and have included some of it in the release info and website. I do not have a problem with this.

I’m pretty strict to stick to IHF-A-202-1978 guidelines for specifications. i.e. in this case:
Use 230VAC, increase 1kHz signal until the amplifier is just clipping producing a distortion of 0.1%. Then add some margin.

(Some valve manufacturers would quote 1% THD because they could make 0.1%.
Remember the ‘Leak point-one’ amplifier because it could do less than 0.1% THD)


PS I apologise it looks like some of the fonts and numbers in the spec have not copy and pasted too well from the master doc. Marketing are quiet busy this week, we’ll give them time to tidy. e.g. ‘Burst power 2’ is meant to be ‘burst power 2Ω’. Not all font packs have the ‘Ω’ (Ohm) symbol.


If that’s the case Alley Cat I’d just keep them :yum: ATB Peter

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That depends. Again appears to be references to Derek and Clive here :joy:


NSC 222 to “Active” ATC SCM 40, sounds like it should be a big winner!


From our listening tests it’s above XPS DR…Some dealers will be opening theirs today and will report back too


I dabbled with the idea of adding one, borrowed a demo one for a bit, never ended up a permanent fixture. I’ve been more than satisfied with the current 2 box setup for a while.
The new PSU seems a more cohesive “enabler” and lays a path longer term for a next gen NAC/NAP setup, keeping the NDX2 in the mix.

Oh my word!

There I went and quoted you earlier today and did not know you were answering my questions about it!! :scream_cat::grinning:


Thanks, Steve…

Its good that you have ‘outed’ yourself…! I was wondering who @110dB from Naim Staff was…

So, the traditional, or old style Naim 4ohm output of the New Classic 250 is…??

(where the ‘original’ 250, like mine for 1985, was 125W - times 2 is 250W)

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Nothing better than a CB250 :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, there is… A CB 250 which is in Olive clothing… :astonished:


I must have missed that. This is a long thread to read lol

Sure to be a winner, that was always the doubt with the Atom HE as a preamp in to active speakers, I explored that as an option last year and the overall conclusion was along the lines of “works but not ideal”

Hi all, does the NCS 222 have the AV bypass function like my Supernait 2.

Hi Steve

How much of a difference in SQ is there between a 250DR (with a SL interconnect) and a new Classic 250 with the supplied lead

Also is the eddy current part that is new on the new classic 250, something that can be retrofitted to an older 250DR during servicing?

how does the new classic 250 compare to a 300DR? From what I know about Naim, the 300DR will still sound better ?

The “problem” is that speaker design over the past decades has moved further and further to requiring more and more current – even “small” speakers.

It’s not about how loud we want or need our music. It’s about the “efficiency” of the speakers. And it’s about whether one choses to provide enough current to let the speakers work as intended, even at quite moderate listening levels.