The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

I’m specifically interested in this. From Steve’s comments there is no doubt it will be better but curious about what people are experiencing in the wild.

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The following is also in the manual, which are all now on the Naim website for the new boxes:

4.3 Loudspeaker Cable and Connectors
For optimum performance, use Naim NAC A5 or Super Lumina speaker cable,
connected in the correct direction (for example, NAC A5 printed arrows
pointing toward the loudspeaker).
It is important your pair of speaker cables are both the same length, up to a
recommended maximum of 20m. Unlike some earlier Naim designs, we do not
mandate a minimum speaker cable length, but would still suggest you avoid
sub-2m lengths



Probably. Numbers are so confusing🤔

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I’ll have a listen tonight (through Focal Stellea)


Hi @Marq,

Unfortunately the NAP300/500 RCA to XLR leads are wired slightly differently and will not work.

A good dealer would be able to re-wire them if you’re so inclined.


Hi @Yorkshireman,

The new NAP250 does have Zobel networks (makes speaker impedances look more resistive and less inductive) and output resistors. This greatly increases stability with a wide variety of cables. We do many tests during dev. FYI there’s also other compensation networks within the amp (1x lag compensation, 2x lead compensation)

This is the same as NAP250DR and the previous gen 250.

We do still find they sound better with a few meters of cable but no technical reason to not use short cables if it suits your setup.

Very early Naim could go unstable with some speaker leads e.g. Nait 1 didn’t have an output resistor.



Appreciate that and thanks for your support on this thread.

@110dB - Above and beyond. Exceeding expectations.


No, not exactly a surprise, but a little nice to have it confirmed, I’m considering buying a 282 and a Hicap for myself. In what way did the sound characters differ?

Hi @Richard.Dane,

I had to consult Robin for this one :slight_smile:

XP5XS was used on ND5XS and provided all the power including USB charge currents.

XP5XS has the same PSU rails as XPS except in place of the DR regulator modules, chip regulators are used.

While not tested at Naim we do not see a problem to use an XP5XS on a NSC 222 via the legacy Burndy. I’m sure it will upgrade the SQ but by how much is yet to be listened too.


Thanks Steve - please also thank Robin for me.

Hmm, I am a bit rubbish at this stuff!

The 282 has a wider deeper sound stage, instuments are more separated, bass is tighter and more textured. Reverb trails are clearer.

The 222 is more of a homogenous whole with less defenition and depth. However the 222 to me sounds more fun and energetic.

I run a hugo tt2 and the Solstice with the 282, into SCM40A and it can be almost a little too clinical and revealing. I find the 222 more relaxing and forgiving. I suspect adding the PS to the 222 will bring more space and depth though and I would not be surprised if it then sounds better to me than the 282.

I also get the feeling that there is a bit more treble energy in the 222, but not in a bad way.

I hope that helps but do bear in mind that I have only had a few hours listening to the 222 and it is not fully run in.


You need to listen to system 1 for a couple of weeks, then system 2 for a couple of weeks, then system 1 for a couple of weeks, etc….

When you eventually loose the urge to swap system, that’s when you know which you prefer.


Obviously it’s the bigger 282 system that sounds much better

But is it much more enjoyable?

Not really… I do enjoy both immensely


I guess if you could run the Hugo Dac into the 222 then it will be good the compare the preamps

Now there’s different sources which is difficult to separate the effect of those from the preamps

I have compared the pre amps using my Solstice. My conclusion is the pre amp is definately the strong point.


Good comparison, using the same source

How good is the preamp of 222 compared to 282

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was equal or better

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My desription of the 2 above was based mainly based on using the Solstice as I felt it a bit unfair to compare the streaming section vs a 4k DAC and 1.2k streamer.

In summary the 282 had more air and definition/detail. 222 was a bit more “fun”

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So not a massive difference, then ?

No, not massive (to me). In a number of ways I prefer the 222. My room is well treated but don’t know if that helps the comparison to be honest.

I think it comes down to what style you like and whether you can be bothered with the whole tweaking to get good sound as you move up the scale.

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