The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

And the 350s will become 4 boxes … wow $$$$$ :sweat_smile:

Correct. With the NAP350 Naim have gone back to the standard monoblok configutaion of having one channel (and dedicated PS) inside each of the two boxes.


That’s what I naturally assumed, but it doesn’t seem to state that on the info sheet on the website. Just mentions the 200 series, the NDX2 and 272. I may have missed something of course… eeek…

Still, plenty of opportunity to add PowerLines or even more exotic mains cables :innocent:.


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Oh, you don’t want to do that!

Steve S mentioned that it’s universal here.

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Hi, apologies for the slow reply, yes they’re GAIA 3, I found they really help isolate the speakers from the floor which is thick laminate over fibre board underlay. Originally got them for my previous floor standers and they work well with these heavy stands too.


saving that for 500 series i recon :slight_smile:

Hi… has anyone uses TRIM setting for the 332? Will compromise (beside setting it louder or softer) sound quality if uses the trim to make the system louder . Thx

Hi @naimophile

I have used the Trim setting, though only with my 2 sources being the CDX2.2 and TV connected ie no streamer or turntable. However, after some experimentation, I set them both to the highest (loudest) setting, and adjusted the volume on the TV itself so they matched each other. There seemed to be no degradation in sound quality as a result.

As I posted elsewhere on the forum - a small but important tip, if you are unaware - check the preamp maximum volume setting, the instructions are in the manual on how to do this using the mute button.

When I collected my NAP 350’s my dealer showed me that on a NAC 332 the maximum volume ‘might’ be set at at 80% fresh from the factory - therefore it would be better set at 100%. Sure enough, when I installed the amplifiers, I discovered that my preamp was at the lower setting and I adjusted it accordingly.


@GeoffC hi Geo , ya… I had set max vol to 100% when I set up the 332… thx for the reminder… also been use to the “old” naim volume which , at 9 am, it loud enough for a good listening… but the 332, got to go all the way up to 11 am … so when I power down , lazy to press the remote all the way to zero :sweat_smile:… so am trying to adjust to 9am for a good volume which I always listen to . Will try the trim out later part of the day to sync the sources and to make it to 9am . Thanks for the advice and reply .

I believe your advice on the max volume setting will benefit many 300s owners here… a good reminder :muscle:t2:

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After putting on the Gaia , I played my system and it sound better. BUT , wasn’t too happy , next , I try to “meddle abit ” with my speakers and did some toe in experiments, and … wow… the potential of the 332 and 350s to the speakers elevated to another level , with the “help” of the gaia of cos …


@GeoffC hi … how’s your 300s running in progress?

Hi @naimophile

I have only had the NAP 350s up and running for three and a half weeks, but it seems like longer because I have played them so much!

Every single disc from the CDX2.2 has surprised me in a good way, with most amazingly so. The amps just seem to get on with the musical performance with great ease, revealing production, mixing details and arrangements not previously noticed.

The soundstage is much better and even deeper than when I was using my Classic NAP 250DR with the NAC 332, bringing everything into pinpoint focus. I certainly feel they are getting the best I have ever heard from the iBLs = I’m very happy with this upgrade.


@GeoffC lol … me too , keep playing my CDS over and over again and switch to streaming , over and over again :laughing: and the sound opens up so sweetly , w more prat going on and on , and I toe my speakers (after putting on the “shoes” ) to an angle which display more of the 300s characters. All these are done throughout and I have clocked in 380 hrs so far. Love the opening and closing of every tune and vocals… sweet and timely …
I believe others here are also enjoying the run in process and progress of their NC 200/300

Cheers !!!


Yes indeed ‘we’ certainly are :metal:


Im enjoying the run in of my NCS 222/NAP 250 - had them hooked up for a week now
Qobuz, airplay, CD, SACD, and Vinyl all sounding great, so not missing the SN3 or NDX2 at all
Have not tried out the Headphone amp yet
As a next step in a month or so I will be powering the NSC 222 from the XPS DR using the new special Burndy cable
Has anyone here done this yet?


I don’t think anyone has reported on doing that yet. 555 on mine with both cables. It will be interesting to hear what you think.

Anyone compared a 552 to the new 332 yet?