The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

‘So, it’s official, the 222/300/250 is bertter than 555/552 250dr’

I didn’t actually say that, but it would appear the 250DR was (unsurprisingly) holding back the ND555/552, something that was confirmed when I swapped out the 250DR for a 500DR.


Haven’t been able to find another mention of this, am I alone in being surprised to see the 332:

  • missing a 2nd row of inputs (which I do currently use on my 252 for Headphone amp connection).
  • not showing which input is selected. All inputs illuminate constantly.

I think you want input 6 for that, which mirrors the currently selected input on its output pins

I don’t own a 252, so don’t know how that works, but it seems like the freedom to select any input to be sent to your headphone amp might be gone? Hopefully someone can confirm or correct my assumption there!

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The button in use is brighter than the unused ones.

Quite difficult to show in a photograph - here on my NAC 332, with av and mute engaged.


The NC250 does to the 250DR what the 300DR does. Makes it sound like you were missing something which is a bit shocking at first since the 250DR is a fantastic amp. The NC250 and 300DR are in different leagues. I would definitely audition it.

It really kicks in at about 6 weeks

Thanks @GeoffC , hard to photograph, even harder to see in action. I had to get real close to make out a distinction. Old Classic I can glance from afar which input it’s on. Bit of an aesthetic design flaw for me personally.

Hi @RexManning I agree with you on this one, the outer ring of the button lighting up on the Original Classic was a visually clearer solution.

In practice, here I don’t need to change it that often, only a couple of times a day, and it could be argued that in fact, you can hear which input is on!

Definitely an audition as you said. For me, I found the 250 dr working better in my system and room. And even at dealer place, I preferred some aspects of the 250 dr vs 300 dr: I found it a bit quicker and more agile. The 300 dr had bigger sound, lower bass, and more authority in general.

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FWIW in my room the difference is small on the bright light setting, obvious on medium setting and minimal on dim. For the foreseeable future I’m only going to be using two inputs anyway so it isn’t a big deal for me.

The Martin Colloms NC 250 review is up on the Stereophile website, free to read. Very unusual, normally they wait for several weeks to post a new review from the magazine.


It would appear that he and his fellow reviewers loved it. His fellow reviewers included Jon Honeyball who if i remember correctly has a highly specified olive Naim system.

*it can be translated to english (right click on mouse button, translate to english)

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Google Translate - (webpages) works too

Just a question on the 350 monoblocks.

Can separate power sources be connected? If so which one(s).

When you say “separate power sources” what exactly do you mean?

You can’t connect a separate Power Supply, but you can swap the power lead for something else.


There’s no provision for a dedicated power supply connection other than a mains IEC lead.


Thanks Richard. I have found the 350 manual on the Naim uk site. My Q was about the need or not for a separate ps further down the line. I see these are designed to only run from the onboard ps.