The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Can’t wait, I feel like I’m 6 not 60 waiting for Christmas :joy:

Unfortunately they didn’t have them in stock :wink:
I did wonder about taking them but couldn’t fit them in the car with the trade in boxes, I also have no packaging to transport them safely. So settled on what were considered comparable, having sent over the web page for them. Also considering the big difference in rooms, the different source (333) etc I was really focused on the overall feel of the new kit and in the differences between the power amps. I did finish the demo with a few tracks on the Kudos 606 which I preferred to the Focals.

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Three more sleeps! :slightly_smiling_face:




Whoa! I see (hear) what you mean :astonished: … and only a few hours out of the boxes.

Yes this is definitely taking some getting used to! So used to seeing it between 8 and 9 o’clock :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: The finish on these boxes really is beautiful, almost criminal to hide them in a rack.

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It’s been about 3 months with the 222/250 (slightly longer for the 222) and I may be imagining it but I feel the sound keeps getting deeper, sweeter, more vibrant and with further improvement at lower volumes.
I haven’t changed anything apart from trying with different mains cables (especially for the 222 where I still can’t decide between a couple of options), but other than that, just played good music.
I wonder if it’s more the 222 or 250 (may be more from it?) and if people hear further run in changes later than the first few months with normal (well, that’s essentially a few hours daily for me) use?


My 222/300 are around 7 or 8 months old now and I think that there has been some continuing uplift in SQ over the months, for me it was most noticeable around 6 months in. I would agree with your observations about the improvements, with the bass being better articulated and fuller whilst the mids and high do have a sense of being more vibrant and again with better articulation. I am waiting to upgrade my 250DR to an NC250 in the next few months. However, next on the list is a cartridge upgrade.


Good, then I suppose I only need to keep playing music and expect even a bit more still!: )

I do feel adjusting power cables to help and for the 250 I have (fairly quickly and easily) settled for a solid core PCOCC with good quality Furutech connectors, while for the 222 it might be the Shunyata Delta V2 NR but I also like how some other good cables (from what I have available at home) sound.

Interesting to hear your thoughts as they should not be all that too far yet all kinds of opinions on the magnitude of improvement and/or change of sound in particular. I am very curious also what others like @frenchrooster will have to share, and may be of help to you as well as he is expecting it soon or even received it?: )

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09/11/23 -

Audio from monaural NAP 350’s appears from near silence.

NAP 350’s have the ability to convey enormous dynamics swings and best of all its all done at blistering speed. Audio starts and stops and back to near silence in an instant with no bloat or overhang. To experience this is uncanny and awesome because you’re consistently left thinking did this just happen?

Truly remarkable

To add to the above (today 19/11/23) our New Classic 300 Series evolves and with it continues to impress and impress big time. Even without NPX 300’s the level of grip, solidity and punch that the combination of NSS 333, NAC 332 and monaural NAP 350’s are able to offer is to put it mildly staggering. So much so that it’s akin to active loudspeakers! Wow :slightly_smiling_face:

Truly remarkable.


Sorry but what are you up to??


Very interesting that you compare Shunyata Delta and Furutech Power cables on the NAP 250. Would be great if you could share your impressions.

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The photos may mislead, apologies, as the Shynuata is on the 222. It’s is the source cable model version with some noise reduction added to the plug I believe

…and so I’ve been trying it with the 222 and Atom HE against some others (Wireworld Silver Electra, CHC Powerblack, Puritan etc). The Wireworld is still very interesting in that it keeps everything a bit livelier and may be with some more perceived definition (?) but the Shunyata might work better overall for me, slightly warmer yet full of colour, richer mids and with a better bass - but both are very good indeed and I can see why one might prefer either.

For the 250 the solid core with Furutech connectors (above plugged into the 250) just provides all the sweet juice in the best way I think, both vs the Wireworld and the rest above, also vs a heavier gauge but multi-strand Neotech 3001 6mm2 that I tried.

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Yes, in my opinion, our forum would have been much nicer without pushy dealers, so tiring!!:angry:


Sounds like he’s sharing his opinion. It sure beats people making comments about the NC who have no actual experience with it.

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Well at least it’s just about the 300 series , not comparing it to the current 500 series

Probably learnt a lesson from earlier posts re 200 series


I’m disappointed that it doesn’t mow my lawns or do the weeding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Have you tried ? Perhaps it can turbo charge the engine motor of the lawnmower ?
Try to stay an open scientist mind honey.

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He’s told us that he doesn’t sell the 500 series so has no comparison point. I’m pleased that someone with long use of the new kit shares his views.

Stop it !!!:crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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He or she?

Ah good question, I thought I’d seen a male picture of Musicraft, but now I’ve searched that was a Happy Birthday Dad post with two,pictures and I guess the younger man was an earlier picture of his/her dad, not as I’d thought the poster.