The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Get the 252 at Akkelis :blush:Looks like well treated boxes.

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I havenā€™t listened to the 332 but I suspect itā€™s quite a bit better than a 252. I prefer the 222/555 to the 252 non DR/DR versions. As was said, the NC is big change in SQ characteristics from the OC and some will just prefer it. Those who prefer the OC sound are lucky b/c they have a great selection of discounted products from which to choose now.

What were your sources before the NC? Which streamer did the NSS333 replace? Do you have other sources? Does these sources sound better through the 332/250? Thanks!

Many on here who have actually compared a 252 v 332 disagree. I have listened to a 332 on several occasions, and it sounds great, but apart from the obvious integration into the New Classic ecosystem isnā€™t better (or worse) than a 252/SCDR to my ears.

Having a single box is however very attractive.


sure you said you didnt own a 252 mate but you had just listened to one

Iā€™ve read plenty of impressions preferring the the 332 and even 222 so itā€™s a mixed bag at worst.

Youā€™re incorrect, I owned a 252 and was not impressed. Tried to get on with a the DR version and while better than the non DR the enjoyment factor was not there esp at the price point. The NC has remedied all that now though.

i thought i read you demoed one, my mistake. i do suspect your 252 might have been faulty though mate. the first 252 i bought was faulty and was swapped out. its brilliant your happy with your 272 replacement

My 252 was not faulty nor was my set up. You need to get over the fact that some people donā€™t like the amp you own. Itā€™s okay.

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100% sounds faulty mate, it doesnt bother me. but when your all over the place advising people that a one box streaming pre is better performance than 252 level which is normally a 6 box system makes you sound a bit silly. i do mean that with respect

we are not talking about liking/not likingā€¦your suggesting the performance is better


Me too :+1:

Iā€™ve already found the NAC 332 under its own steam is superior :+1:

My sources were NDX2,252/SC DR,300 DR, Stageline. Other sources are McIntosh MT5 turntable with a Kiseki Purpleheart sb cartridge and a Marantz UD 7007 which is the only component that Iā€™ve never changed in my system. Yes itā€™s a Blu-ray player but it plays dvd audio, Sacd and Cd. Sacd played through analog output sounds really,really good.
Overall Iā€™m really enjoying the NC 300.Sound is dynamic,fast and as usual for Naim pace and timing are first class. Sound is warm and three-dimensional. Stereo image is detailed and with a stunning level of clarity.
Iā€™m not saying that my previous system wasnā€™t good. In fact it was a remarkable system. But the NC is a bit different and I prefer it over the OC


I agree on that. Most tend to say that the 252 / Supercap dr is on the level of the 332. The 332 takes the edge with the 300 ps.
But vs the 222, no one , apart Elmarko, said the 252 is inferior. Itā€™s not logical, specially when the 222 is less expensive and has a streamer and a dac inside.


This is what im trying to say mate (your version reads better than mine!haha), id expect a 332 with the psu to outperform a 252 supercap no probs, but i cant see how the 272 replacement would.

It just makes no sense to me, with that being said i do like to hear people experiences with Naim gearā€¦its the fun of the forum


Your beliefs are not relevant here. Iā€™m sharing my opinion just like anyone else and your attempts to misstate my opinion and project your beliefs say more about you than me. The 252 is a mediocre amp at best for me. Not worth the money. 222/555 ftw, mate.

Who said the 222 is better than the 252? I guess itā€™s possible b/c itā€™s a pretty good amp on itā€™s own due to the new engineering.

im just being realistic, it is possible when you had your 252 there was something wrong?

Im glad you like the 222, im sure its awesome.

let me give you an example, i dont like going fast in a car, for me id rather be a passenger in a fiat 500 that a Farrari and thats fine. but i wouldnt say a fiat 500 performs better than a Farrari.

btw my beliefs are just as relevant as yours, its an open forum and we can all have a nice debate

Trust me your beliefs are not relevant when it comes to my opinion. Your view that my 252 was faulty is your belief, it does not hold up to scrutiny. Your car comparison is not analogous in my view b/c the metrics for performance are more varied and objective. SQ is subjective.

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Errm, you I seem to remember, on multiple occasions :slightly_smiling_face: