The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Tell me about it… hardly no interest with the 552DR / 500 I’m trying to move on the market is flat to say the least.

Anyway its Christmas, the Nait 50 sounds bloody amazing.

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It will when the price is right :wink: It takes much more time to sell these days so if one need to rotate boxes quickly, be prepared to loose some more money than normal.

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Swapped over from a non-Naim PS feeding my NAC282 to a NAIM Hicap this year. I bought the pretender a few years ago trying to get the same result on the cheap. Always a mistake. Since then, there’ve been upgrades elsewhere and not the big differences I was expecting. Buying the real thing, I finally arrived where I’d expected to be, it was like I’d removed a choke point.

Now pre-loved classics are getting to be available at significant discounts, I’m seriously considering swapping to a Supercap, and expecting yet another Great Leap Forward.


…thinking likewise on the SUPERCAP, although not sure juice is worth the squeeze. Would be buying blind so a bit of a gamble.

Buying is good. It’s a buyers market. Deals are to be had. But it low price and gat Darran at Class A to service it in doubt.


It’s hard to say if you haven’t demoed a 222. A 222/250NC punches pretty high up on the OC separates range but that has a lot to do with the new engineering and sound signature. The NDX2 needs a XPS to sound decent, would be a lot better with a 555. If you like the OC sound then you’re likely better off taking advantage of heavily discounted OC gear. Though I’d be hunting for a 555 b/c that component transforms whatever it’s attached to. And it takes a lot of OC boxes to beat a 222/555 for me.

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From what I have listened to with NC range it is excellent. But the OC is at bargain prices and is therefore a much better value for money buy. For exanple you can get a 552 and PS DR for £8k, a 500DR for £8k.

These prices are low. Likewise a 252 for sub £2.5k. A Supercap DR for sub £3k.

The maths make sense. NC vs OC:

222 = 272. £5500 vs £1700
332 = 252 £8000 vs £2500
250= 300DR £5500 vs £4000

Obviously you need the Supercap DR with 252 £3000.

You get the picture buying used will save you alot of money as always.

I know many of you want new but for me buying new or used doesn’t make any difference. It’s sound quality that matters.

Of course I am not saying what’s better. Just putting out some facts and figures


The problem of course is the NC hierarchy doesn’t translate linearly to the OC. It just doesn’t. That’s not to say there are not good prices to be had for OC but that only matters if you like the OC sound.

Obviously it doesn’t. But price guide shown shows the price differences. NC are different and have different qualities. For instance the 332 doesn’t need a power supply whereas the 252 does.

Those prices for 552 and 500DRs are likely for older units, usually converted to DR at a later date. But, as you say, they are relative bargains if the condition is excellent. More recent units have a price premium of course.

And of course a 552DR can be had for less than £10k and likewise a 500DR for less than £10k. So the 500 series is somehwat of a bargain compared to 332 with 300 NPX and 2 x 350s. And the ND555 is coming down in price.

All this is to be expected. Some of us want new kit and you pay a big premium for new. Some of us want used


So they’re better then.

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Better than what?

Auto standby issue
Not sure if I should start a new thread, but after owning NCS 222 with 555Dr for about 4 months I hadn’t really used the LP12 much other than to check it worked and play a few sides. Any way there I was listening to Genesis “Selling England by the Pound” and the preamp went into standby. It was on default 20 mins in app. Set it 1 hour now. Suggests a possible glitch with any music sensing it uses.

Any other user had this?

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No, I play LPs for hours at a time without a problem and my 222/30/250 is set to go into standby after 20 mins.

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Ok thanks for feedback, I’m see what others come back with. I wonder if using the 300 like your setup changes anything?

Mine is set to standby never and it doesn’t / hasn’t. The only reset I’ve had was related to a momentary power dropout which caused a reboot.

Thanks, do you use it without PS. I can’t imagine a momentary outage would trip it with an NPX 300 or 555.

I use my 222 with an NPX300

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I don’t use the standby and haven’t messed with the factory settings to my knowledge. I leave everything powered up like I have for 25 years. No issues. I use my 222 with a 555 and have removed the SA cable as I don’t think I needed it for anything. I leave my light settings at the dimmest at all times.

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