The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

My only other source is an AV amp through din connection which is on av bypass but so far can detect usage to prevent going into standby.


I remember reading somewhere on here that system automation does not work fully when mixing old and new classic. Maybe auto standby is part of that issue?

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I just wonder how the 222 compares to Ndx2/ 252 non dr. Anyone?


lets gooooooo!lol

Merry Christmas mate

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200/300 Series hardware supports either optical or electrical (as per Old Classic) system automation.
Unified power management is only supported using an optical connection between boxes, and only between 200/300 Series products.
The combined optical/electrical 3.5mm mini jack connection enables the RC5 remote protocol control as per ā€œOld Classicā€ products when connected with a electrical minijack cable (mono or stereo versions should work the same)

Let me give you another scenario.

I bought nearly new NC222/300/250 for Ā£13k.

NDX2/XPSDR/252/SuperCapDR/300DR = say Ā£14k

I have owned NDS/555DR/252/SuperCapDR/250DR = say Ā£14k

I recon the two OC systems above are broadly similar in performance and second hand cost.


I also recon the NC system above out-performs both the OC systems!


I know you had these earlier systems, but how many years, specifically the NDS/555 dr/ 252/ Supercap dr/ 250 dr? 3, 4 or 5 years ago?
And you can from memory compare to 222/300// NC 250.
6 years ago, the former system was around 34 k euros.
The later is 21 k. Naim himself said recently that 332 bare is on 252/ Supercap dr level.
The streamer inside the 222 is between Nd5xs2 and Ndx2. 250 NC is better vs 250 dr, but not night and day however.
So saying that 222/300/250 is above NDS/252/250 dr is very very unlikely, sorry, my opinion.
I heard the full 300 series recently. For me they are well well under 500 series.
I know how sounds NDS / 252/ 300. My dealer had that combo for many years. I prefer it to full 300 series. Not better, similar level, but more involving and organic to my tastes.


Actually, they said 332 between 282 and 252 :sunglasses:. Now 222 is better than 252.


Thatā€™s fantastic. I have heard the 200 and 300 series and was more impressed with 332, 333 with 300s and 350s than 222, 300 and 250.

But if it sounds better than maybe I should do another listen. There are quite a few preferring the new classics.

Iā€™ve only recently gone from 82 to 52 and am very much enjoying my mixed Olive, OC and CB system.

The dealers still think the 300 series isnā€™t as good as a 500 series.

Itā€™s early days with the new classics but they are proving very popular on here.

To be honest I am staying put for now and if I did change would be more interested in 500 series than NC!


Did Naim officially say that Mike ?

ie: 332 between 282 and 252?

If so Iā€™m staying out :flushed:

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Your opinion, mine is differentā€¦sorry.


It was Jason Gould on a demo video on You Tube that was posted here. He said a bare 332 was better than a 282 with 2 hi-caps, but short of a 252, and that with a 300 PS it was above the 252. That was how they described the performance.

In my experience most Naim gear performs well at its relevant price point. Hi-fi gear across the range is only going up in price, so the relative price points are a good indicator.


Of course, and Iā€™m sure theyā€™re right, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the gap has closed, even if only a little, though.

Those owning OC systems seem to rate them better than NC, and those who own NC seem to rate them better than OC on a so-called like-for-like basis.

Funny thatā€¦human nature I guess.


The new classics are very very good. I have real mix of system. And am very lucky to have what Iā€™ve got. Letā€™s celebrate our wonderful systems.

The New Classics are amazing. But so are all our systems!

Peace and love be with you all.



And letā€™s recognise it is impossible to be entirely objective when you are so heavily invested in a particular Naim product line.

Iā€™m sure the same nonsense could be seen on the old forum when Naim moved from Olive to Old Classic.


Yes I remember this and was wondering the same. Iā€™ll monitor things to see how it goes. Otherwise Iā€™m extremely happy with the 222.

Youā€™re right Nigel. Noone here can be objective. We become invested in what we buy and believe in it.

I am invested in Olive, CB and OC kit. And I think the NC kit is wonderful.

I have more OC kit than anything else. Maybe thatā€™s my bias and what I seek out. Hence wanting a 500 system.

But this new classic kit is becoming very popular on here.

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Thanks Mike

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