The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

My point is ownership trumps objectivity.

Times is hard, Dan. Luxury items are taking a hit IMHO.

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I rest my case mā€™lud.

A dealer demo cannot tell you what you need to know.

An extended home demo is essential.

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Yes well ElMarko

I have the SN3 which I really like also but at the moment itā€™s having a lie down whilst the Nait 50 is having a go

Iā€™ll be very interested when hopefully a new Supernait is released, if itā€™s anything like the Nait 50 on steroids that could be an absolute ripper


The Nait 50 has the NC250 amp design without the DR. I would be shocked if the new integrated wasnā€™t based on the new amp design as well with the DR.

Most who own NC have probably owned OC before and chose to switch, while others have chosen to keep their systems. It probably means that itā€™s really about different sound ideals, or would one group be more objective than the other, do you think?

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Indeed, but I switched from OC to NC mainly to reduce box count and lessen the SQ compromise, if that makes sense.

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Nigel I get the reduced box count position, makes sense

However if you had a percentage SQ reduction going that way , is that possible just to get an idea ?


I donā€™t think it does - if correct, then there is no point taking notice of what anyone says about what they own. Seems a step too far for me

I really asked? Well, letā€™s say that, :joy:

Here MikeS post some hours ago:


I am actually enjoying my NC system more than my OC systems, with the exception of the 500 system, which of course is very special. This however is complicated by the introduction of an upmarket Melco server with my NC system.

I can only talk in terms of enjoyment, rather than absolute performance comparisons. The sound signature of OC and NC is rather different, making direct comparisons awkward.


Yes, I was being a little controversial. I do however believe we are all swayed a little by the kit we own and the often prohibitive cost of upgrading to the latest new toys, and price reductions in superseded kit.


I think itā€™s a great discussion and good if it makes me question what I have for something better, newer at a similar price.

I am not sure a 222 300 250 will trounce a 52 Supercap 2 135s, ND5XS2 transport into NDS DAC/ 555PS.

Having listened to both my system sounds richer, smoother more layered and resolved.

The 222 300 250 sounds brighter, more detailed and quieter noise floor. Different, not better.

The 332 300 333 300 350s sounds better than my set up though.

These things are very personal choices. The 222 300 250 is very very good.

I think if I do upgrade and get a 552, 500 I will be in best territory for me.

Donā€™t have funds yet and tbh I am focusing on the music rather than constantly upgrading. And giving things time and space is always good. I have only had 52 a few months and that has been a good upgrade on 82. I think a 500 could be next as I have had 135s for 5 years and fancy a change. I am also considering a 300DR, or a 250NC.

So interesting comparison is 2 x 135s vs 250NC. I listen to mainly rock, heavy metal, pop and dance music.


There has been considerable time between the release of the NDS and the 222. What was a stretch in performance yesterday, is likely easily accomplished today - and for less cost to produce. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if the 222 out performed the 10 year old NDS.

Itā€™s not. 333 is closer to, if not verging on equal to the ND555 than the NDS is to the 222. To my ears as least having had the chance to rotate them through my system.

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The fifteen years Ndac will uplift easily the performance of the 222.

So you say the 333 bare is approaching the three times more expensive Nd555/555 dr?

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Maybe Iā€™m wrong but did you not move from a house with a special shape housing a 500 system to a new place perhaps with a ā€œbetterā€ room? Maybe this has had quite a big impact as well. That said I have only heard a 200 new classic with/without a 300PX which was pretty good driving some tannoy turnberrys. The power supply really made quite a difference