The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

I do say exactly that. And I wouldn’t have thought so had I not had a friend loan the Nd555/555 DR to me to compare in my house back to back.

Would that comparison with an ND555/555 DR be with or without an NPX 300 on the NSS 333? You said bare, so if without, I’m a bit surprised, but somewhat pleased!

And, if your profile is up to date, without an NPX 300 on the 333.

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333/332/350 No power supplies on the 333 or 332.


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So the ND555 was played through a bare 332 for comparison? In which case, the 332 was probably holding it back?

We all hear differently. I heard recently the full. 300 series with 2 X 300 ps , the system was running since 7 days. I much prefer the Nd555/ 252/ 300 dr , without hesitation. Nds/555 dr/ 252/300 dr too. Less clarity and details but more involving, meatier, more organic and textured.


I love meat! :meat_on_bone:


The interesting question is why Naim wanted to change the sound signature. Even with class D amplification both the Naim for Bentley and the Muso range retained those aspects that you and i like.


My NC 250 has still the Naim sound i was accustomed to, however a little less full. But if you take an all new Naim system, then you realise that the sound signature has changed.

Why, as you say. Maybe to accommodate to a larger audience, to join the sound neutrality fashion of Chord, Soulution and others….


Yep, think its the front end thats skewing the sound, i rather liked the 350;s. Think they would sound rather good on the end of a 252 etc


very possibly, I did have a 200 system briefly a few weeks ago, the resolution of the 222 bothered me a lot but the overall sound signature I could live with a bit of getting used to but as you say the front end would need to be right. I do look forward to hearing the forthcoming Supernait or whatever it will be called, along with a 333, that could be interesting as a 2 boxer.

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Could you please explain what you mean by this? Thanks!

I found it a little too gritty and grainy for my liking and also it had difficulty resolving dense or complex musical pieces - all of this is in comparison to a NDX2 in my listening situation, also no psu was used on either streamer. YMMV etc etc.


To my ears the 222 is a better sound to all the current OC streamers sans the 555. It’s been a long time since I heard the NDS but I really liked the sound, much better than the NDX2 for me. For me the 222/555 is better SQ than the OC separates but I can’t say for the NDS b/c it’s been too long, it might be close. But as you say the OC tech is older and Naim is able to squeeze more SQ out of the new design. Some will still prefer the OC sound and that’s fine. I prefer the olive sound to the Non DR OC and to some of the DR OC as well. I’m just happy Naim is paying attention to what I like again, it’s been a long time. Every day I discover a new album I forgot I had and it sounds amazing.


His streamer was faulty and not run in so keep that in mind.

the volume control was faulty, also findings concur with brand new out of the box ndx2, at the end of the day we all have preferences and different tastes in audio reproduction so there will never be a one size fits all - which is just fine

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You’re right but it’s still an asterisk.

Thank you for the clarification😊

Ok. Yes a faulty volume control might impact the sound negatively of course.