The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2



I think this is a very important point.

I related recently here my misadventure of having to fork out $2,000 just for legacy to NC cables (I live abroad where the recent promotion doesnā€™t apply), and even my dealer, who is new to Naim, was shocked.

This made me think. If even a high end hifi dealer is shocked at prices charged by Naim, how much value are we actually getting compared to the competition?

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Same here. Have Cambridge Audio 851 full system in my second house.
851E, 2 851W, 851N, 851D - all of them just for a price of one Naim box.
Sound quality being really greatā€¦
So the choice is yoursā€¦

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Have you done the comparison? If so it would be good to hear more detail. If not you are just making assumptions


Not a direct comparison because I use ATC actives not the 350, but I compared the 332 plus 300 through the ATCs with Vitus 101 and Thrax Ares, using Avalon PM1 (not back to back). For me both were clearly preferable, purer, better tonality, quieter, better imaging, about equal on drive and dynamics.

For 25k you could move to Vitus sia 25, I would imagine that would not even be a contest.

Obviously people will want to point out the flaws in my testing ( I know speakers make a huge difference) but if you are serious you need to try alternatives, providing brand loyalty permits.

I feel the NC sound is different enough from the OC that switching from one to the other is almost like switching brands anyway.


I would think that anyone spending that kind of money would listen to at least a few other brands no matter integrated or separate amplifiers. The competition (I havenā€™t checked) should have offerings in the same pricebracket so it should be easy to do a comparison at your local dealer. Except for me, since Naim isnā€™t sold herešŸ˜…

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I admire your faith sir.

Iā€™ve heard a Vitus R101 compared to OC 252/SC/250 and thought the Vitus came out on top. I was a little concerned about some of the reports on quality I heard at the time, but certainly Vitus, Thrax, Gryphon, Dā€™agostino and others are worth a thought.

Yes, agreed. I guess the limiting factor is dropping all the cash in one go. Some people, maybe, can go out and look at a 25k integrated whilst many others need to build to that level.


I had the 101 for a couple of years without issue. Not that that really means anythingšŸ¤£

I always found Nagra amplification both looked and sounded the part in terms of alternatives.


Never had a listen, but love the looks.

True that

I have heard various expensive integrated amps at friendsā€™ houses and dealerships and shows, and none of them moved me.

Would you say that the Vitus or Thrax were also above your own set? Was it maybe as well dependable on the Avalons? Did you not have a Vitus before your naims?

Just curious.

Nagra sounds really good, but itā€™s much more expensive tbh.
You really have to be a Nagra fan to spend this kind of money on Nagra only system.

I would say it is better than the 252, yes. Comparisons are hard though because of the fact that the ATC are active and a lot cheaper than the Avalons.

Overall I was impressed enough to buy the Thrax and some 2nd hand AvalonsšŸ˜Æ

If I had the means (and I donā€™t to be honest) Iā€™d be happy spending the money there.
I always find it surprising how modest (regards cost) Naim products are in the scheme of things, some of the kit iā€™ve seen and heard over the years being well in to 6 figure territory.
A lot of it Iā€™ve found ugly, designed for listening spaces the size of a football pitches in most cases and often marketed in an in your face (as in way too loud) take it or leave it manner.
I canā€™t say I found that with a full Nagra system, any time Iā€™ve seen one demonstrated it left a positive impression, a sense of almost infinite scale and composure whilst not forgetting to take care of those subtle details in replay that make for a stand out system, regardless of price point.
That and the fact the design is straight to the point and unapologetically functional.


Thank you for answering.
So you away from Naim?

Did you buy the Avalon PM 1 ? Liked the Thrax over the Vitus?

Youā€™d think so wouldnā€™t you, but a Naim fanboy is a Naim fanboy :rofl::rofl::rofl: :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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Still keeping the solsticešŸ˜‰

Tried Vitus 101 vs Thrax enyo and ares. Ares was the clear winner for me, Vitus 2nd. Very much a case of personal preference though, all were very good.

Avalons are 2nd hand and a stop gap until some inheritance comes in.