The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

That’s the only reason I’m doing this now, I expected I’d end up with the four box system sometime this year, just not so soon.

Reading my post this morning it comes across as worse than it is really, that album highlighted what has been niggling me over the past couple of days. It’s not harsh in any way, it’s still very smooth, crystal clear and undistorted, there’s just too much of it currently.

The nDAC was my first box upgrade and has been the constant part of my system throughout all the other changes. Had I moved to an NDX2 instead I would’ve adjusted the treble response to match and I doubt the difference would have been the same. I’d likely have phoned the dealer Monday morning to talk money :slightly_smiling_face:

The other difference is that I’m using the standard lavender interconnect rather than the Witch Hat Morgana that’s also been a constant throughout all the system changes.

So not really surprising that changing my source has had such an impact.

Expecting a call from my dealer this morning, we’ll see!


Or was it the piece of kit, that while more detailed, it also happened to be bright sounding/brighter then what you were using? I think the two are independent of each other as I’ve done numerous upgrades that while more detailed were also smoother/more refined sounding. If the new item is brighter then what you’re replacing, your ears will likely adapt as time goes on. Its up to you to decide if this is a direction you want to take (which is always helped by having other references).


Did he call? What did you decide? Price rise tomorrow :rofl:.

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Yesterday I had a very useful demo session with one of HiFi dealers in my area. 3 systems were reviewed for comparison with same 5 tracks (selected by myself) used for listening to each system.

  1. 222 powered by 300 into NC250 into Kudos 20A. This is what I have at home.
  2. 333 powered by 300 into 332 into NC250 into Kudos 20A
  3. Linn DSM Select Edition with 2 x stereo cards with Organik DAC fitted into Kudos 20A (driven Active)

Quick summary.
The 5 tracks were listened to using system 1 to set my ears and confirm sound is pretty much as I recalled from home. Suffice to say all was good and sounded familiar.
We then moved to system 2 and repeated the tracks. The difference was noticeable immediately on track one. I described it as much more resolved. Still very good but as @Mark63 intimates above potentially a little bright. The other tracks had a similar feel in that I could hear more individual notes but it felt different, definitely a sense of being brighter. Would need some time listening to see if it was what I really wanted.
We then moved to system 3. I must confess I was expecting a bright sharp presentation (based on previous reading/hearsay) but was very pleasantly surprised. It was warmer than expected, but still retaining an improved resolution to that of system 1. To me it had better resolution of notes than system 1 but had retained some of the coherence that I liked from system 1.

Decision time now. I was intrigued by the Linn system, was the presentation down to the Organik DAC or was it because we were driving the speakers in an active mode. I don’t know, what I do know is that I enjoyed the presentation and feel I like it. The Linn system also has the advantage of being a one box solution which is something that Mrs O would prefer over the 3 box option currently in use at home and definitely prefer over an increase to 4 boxes aka system 2. Its also a bit odd that if an upgrade is agreed when consider trade in etc it is very likely (TBC by dealer when they provide first stab figures) that the Linn system will cost less than the Naim 4 box system 2. Anyway back at home now with System 1 and it is not at all bad - it is not out of the race as yet.


We have to know!!!

Perhaps because the retailer has to eat?



Exactly right, provided a mutually beneficial deal is reached both parties are happy AND the shop will still be there when you need it again.


These are my thoughts. The 333 vs ND5XS2 into nDAC.

I don’t have an nDAC. I have ND5XS2 transport into NDS and 555PS (DAC).

I found the 333 bare bright, detailed and very very good.

My 3 box streaming system sounds velvety smooth, fantastic dynamics, expressive soundstage. If I remove the DAC (NDS and 555PS) it sounds bright and tinny in comparison.

I think the 333 needs the power supply to compete with your existing ND5XS2 and nDAC.

Just to say, if you added a 555PS to your nDAC I believe it would sound competitive against a 333 300NPX.

This is my exoerience. Yes it’s another box. But maybe worth a try. See if you can demo a 555PS with your current set up.


Hi @PaulDavies and @nitrous , yes of course the dealer needs to eat but quite rightly, he recognises that a sale with a RRP of around £40k allows decent wriggle room. As a purchaser I get to buy significantly better brand new gear than I would should I have to pay full retail price.

The dealer will only agree a discount that he can afford and appreciates my custom over the years. I get a far better discount than many of his other customers - maybe less than some as well.

It is a win/win situation.


This sounds like a successful audition and is the way that I approach upgrades - not individual items but rather a potential complete change.

You enjoy your 200 series but are not convinced by the 300 series. The Linn option however, gives you an appreciable improvement over your 200 series. This points to a complete system change to the Linn or stay as you are.

Assuming your dealer’s ‘first stab’ figures are acceptable, a home trial of the Linn is the next logical step.


Hi @Bjm yes totally agree, I have some very nice HiFi by having a good dealer and agreeing deals that we are both happy with. It makes me wonder how many people discuss the price and actually try to negotiate? It is possible the current prices put a lot of people off even discussing this in a shop…….

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It’s a waiting game, ex-demo is your friend, think ahead.

They have very different presentations. The 333 is good but different.

We didn’t find any difference compelling enough for a change. In fact we preferred current setup. We could move in an ND555 for say 5k (+3k from sale of NDX2) and at demo that beats both nDAC and 333 setups.

At the price point of 333/300 there are plenty high end streamer and DAC options. Look at used prices and 14k gets you Pulse into mScaler/Dave for example (with change). Various other hi end DAC options.

Indeed, makes you wonder how many people are put off buying products because they think they cannot afford them.

Another important point is that even with a discount I still have at least 14 days to return for a full refund.

People just need to ask and negotiate.

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Hi Dan, I think the NDS has the same/similar DAC to the nDAC? I’ve had a saved search on eBay for a while for the 555ps as that route has definitely been on my mind. However I decided to complete the base four box 300 set as it makes the most sense long term for me (basically end game) and there’s a definite synergy between them. I’m already adjusting and appreciating the mid range and increased detail. I can’t say I’m hearing new things compared with the nDAC so far, but it’s more clear/separated, easier to follow. I know I can easily adjust the treble on my speakers, reduced it as a test last year as an experiment for a week or so but ended up putting it back.

I had a two and a half hour Porcupine Tree session last night, cued up “The Sky Moves Sideways” followed by “Up the Downstair” and just zoned out :slightly_smiling_face:

So anyway, the deed is done :slightly_smiling_face: A good deal, and trading in my last two green logos :cry: My dealer couldn’t have been more helpful, picking it up this weekend along with the replacement 350s.

@MrFixit @Hifi_Naim_CNNL :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m really pleased for you, and somewhat jealous :grinning:. I just couldn’t go there (financially), so settled for 222/250 (for now!). Beginning to run them in and it’s certainly a big step up from where I was. Hearing so much more, but my 300 series demo showed me there is even more.

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Fantastic news. System synergy with 4 lovely new Naim new classic boxes. Look forward to hearing more about it once you’re used to it.

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: … there’s always more! Great to hear that you’re happy with your new boxes! They’ll continue to improve as they settle in :slightly_smiling_face: I think the whole new range is really exciting and I’m looking forward to seeing what Naim have in store over the next few years … even if I can’t go further it’s always great to see the amazing systems on here.

@Dan_M it’s certainly exciting! Yes will do … have to go through the whole settling in process again but at least I have a better idea of what’s at the end :slightly_smiling_face:
Oh and re power supplies … we’ll see, but certainly can’t think about that for a long while!


Congrats on the purchase -my four box system is just about run in and sounding fabulous. I’m ignoring power supply upgraditis at the moment and just enjoying the music.