The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Same here. After a couple of months the four boxes sound so good that I’m not considering any psu upgrade. Basically it’s the end game for me. Btw the NVC TT is great as well.


@Mark63 congrats on ur new 300s… am running in mine too without power supply … :laughing:


For those who are interested, I had a demo of -

NAC332 / NAP250

NAC332 / NPX300 / NAP250

NAC332 / NAP350 + NAP350

With the monoblocks sounding the best option by some margin (even without the power supply) at £600 more than the price of the NPX300 + NAP250 the decision was easy for me.


@GeoffC I assume NC350 should be NAP350

I am sure - stunning !?

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Yes they are stunning.


The 350s are really rather good aren’t they. @110dB and team have done a fantastic job here !


Tired eyes, now corrected, thanks Ian.

Indeed they (350) are stunning . l love the way they grip the speakers.


Not to nitpick or anything, but wouldn’t source first dictate 332+300+250 beats 332+350?

btw: congrats on your system… very very nice :smiley:

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Perhaps choosing between the 250 or the 350s is speaker and room dependent? Maybe in a small room with easy to drive speakers the difference between the 250 and 350 may not be that great?
I’ve not heard the 350s (I didn’t want to be tempted …) so I’m simply speculating.

Hi @tom-in-amsterdam, thanks for the reply. All I can suggest is that you do the comparison yourself - for me it was really obvious that the extra power of the monoblocks was better.


I just got.the 332 and am installing it on the fraim. Seems the rca inputs are just in front of the back leg of the fraim??? I cannot connect my rca cables without placing the amp way too forward on the shelf. This seems weird. Has someone found a solution?

The easiest thing to do is to slightly loosen off the rear leg of the Fraim and rotate it a little to facilitate the connection.

Naim are supposedly releasing a modified Fraim rear leg, standard height only, to resolve this issue.



Yes, if you can, place the pre-amp on top (usually sounds best there), otherwise, best rotate the leg 45 degrees and then contact your dealer to enquire after the new narrow Fraim leg when it’s available.


Thank you. I have a turntable on top so will use the other option. When should the skinny leg be available?

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I don’t know. Naim will let interested dealers know as soon as they’re ready.

Source first does not dictate anything. There are a lot of factors at play.


There’s also the option of going RCA-DIN which typically works better and has much easier access with the Fraim Leg.

I can’t imagine anyone who’s heard the 350s would buy a 250.

More prudent to bite the bullet or save up for the end game.

The 350s are fantastic.


@bitsrbits @Peppo62 @naimophile Great to hear the four boxes without power supplies are sounding so good for everyone, it was a big factor in my choice to go with the new gear, the option to do it later maybe … and I was very careful not to demo them at the dealers :joy:

Getting everything packed up for the trip tomorrow … the 350s are so heavy!