The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Enjoy your system. You will be surprised.
It’s really really good.

I wonder if the 350s’ advantage over the 250 is only significant if playing very loud or using inefficient speakers. After all, the main technical difference is extra power.

Another ‘main technical difference’ is that there is a separate amplifier for the left and the right channels.

As there is for the 250. But, you’re right in as far as the 350s have separate power supplies.

I would think not. The fact the amplifiers are physically separated and get their own power supplies must make big sonic differences not related to output power in watts.

Not at all.

At demo same speakers, same tracks, same “wife approved” listening volume.

The 350s are just much better.


And for twice the price they really should be!


Was this a demo in a dealer showroom or at your home?

The mono 135s of yesteryear were described as a 250 cut in 2 with, of course, their own transformer & a fan, and a pair of those was very different to running a 250.

Unquestionably, the additional power enables far better control over the 'speakers, especially the bottom end – and it’s a massive advantage to do this, as LF can contaminate HF and mids so much.


And this is true at all volumes. The 350s better control is not volume dependant.


Dealer room. One in which we’ve listened to a lot of kit.

Replaced a 12 year old NDX with a 333 today. Going to have to ‘slum it’ with a 282 and single NC250 unless I can leverage some funds from somewhere (unlikely!)


Do like the look of that rack, enjoy the new mix!

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Thank you - 333 has been streaming 5Live for a few hours and just had a first proper listen. Soundstage is massive; lots of detail and voices sound incredible.


Looking at an end game level preamp. My other system components are locked in and I’m very, very happy with their sound.

Except the preamp…… well sort of.

I’m very much of the opinion that the preamp is the glue that binds the system together and is the vital make or break a system component.

I’m not “unhappy” with my Chord Ultima Pre. 3, if I am nitpicking - it’s a tad relentless sometimes - as in very upfront and always “at you” if that makes sense ?

I was just wondering what a NAC 332 and NPX 300 will bring to the table with a DAVE and ATC Actives in the mix ?

The new Australian Importer has at least locked in the prices, I’m unsure as to when actual stock will arrive though.

So no chance to demo. yet…

Have they?

Yes, the whole range incl. the 300 series price list is up on the NAIM Victorian Dealer - Audio Influence website. Its says available to pre order.

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Well those prices may well change as increases just announced

Wait for it

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The prices have returned back to somewhere near where they were before the fire sale. Can’t see how these dealers can sell them while A2A still has them so heavily discounted.

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Agree Pete

All very strange