The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

See above, the new 300s system will cost you almost $60 with any power supplies.

It’s going to be a struggle.

Has Harry recovered from his ordeal yesterday. :grin:

He sure has - hopefully !!

Great talk with lots of laughs - at your expense :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

Only joking of course

Well I won’t be in the game at $60k that’s for sure

And that’s without power supplies

Dreamin !!

$13,500 for 350 x 2, $18,000 for the 332 and $15,500 for the 333. The 300 ps are $13,500 each.

$87,500 (with 2 PS). :scream:

Add decent speakers and accessories you’re looking at over $100k

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@Pete_the_painter … Wow :open_mouth:

Look I’m sure some will be up for it but it’s well out of my league.

Gosh, but what I was expecting. NZ$29K for the 350’s. I paid $7K for a used 300 DR. They’ll be staying then.

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I couldn’t get that for kidney, well not now anyway. :grin:

Even a 200 setup will cost just over $40ks without speakers and accessories.

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That now seems great value, think I might mute all the hi fi threads and cancel my magazine subscriptions. :grin:

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Geoff’s question (or my question) is: has anybody any idea whether the 350s knock easy to drive LS in a small or mid-size room out?
I remember it was sometimes the case when comparing 250DR vs 300DR.

I replaced my Ndac with a 333 recently and am also slumming it with a 282 250dr. To these ears, with the 333 you just get to enjoy the music and forget you’re listening through lots of electronics. I was fond of the Ndac’s rather exuberant, edgy presentation but never felt it worked for me when listening to classical music, whether string quartets or full scale symphonic works.

The 333 places the listener in the studio or concert hall and draws you into the musicians performance……often for hours and hours! Mostly used with Qobuz and R3 HD streaming and downloaded Hi-res files. I have retained my old HDX for playing CD files via the BNC DC1 connection for the time being. It would be good to try the 333 out with a new classic PSU when funds allow.


Which perhaps goes some way to explain why some territories (non-UK) want a high-powered Nova? i.e. focused on a 1-box solution with decent speakers, which is almost the holy grail of hi-fi.

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333 has joined the other boxes :slightly_smiling_face:


Beautiful setup!
How is the center speaker connected?

Still haven’t had the chance to really get to grips with it yet - hopefully a few hours tonight. Immediate impressions chime with yours though :+1:t2:

Quick Q though - i thought you could change output volume on the 333? (Appreciate possible dip in quality…) can’t seem to find settings🤷🏼‍♂️

System automation working fine with the 282 (via app not remote).

I haven’t tried variable output mode yet but it can be selected in the app under ‘volume mode’ where there are 3 different choices.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

The av amp used to be in the middle but I’ve now moved it to the corner on the right. Took the bottom shelf of this shelving unit out and made this for it.

All the cables run behind the skirting board. Really helped keep things separate, there’s more room behind the unit now, especially going from seven boxes to four!


@echoroom - can I request you send a screen shot of ‘volume mode’ control in-app pls? Doesn’t seem to be enabled in mine.

Maybe my app needs deleting and re-loading.

Hello Sinewave, here’s the screen shot as requested: