The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Thank you - I’m using the app on my phone which I’m guessing is not as extensive.

Curious - system automation works fine with my 282.

I don’t see it on my phone or iPad either, just checked and I have the latest versions. Have “Volume Control” but not “Volume Mode” :thinking:

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Not sure I even have volume control🤷🏼‍♂️.

Maybe if I disable system automation. Can’t be bothered though whilst it all works!

With low or high sensitivity speakers, with gaming, movies, music and at low, medium or high output levels the level of quality of monaural NAP 350’s over NAP 250 is clear to hear.

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That’s correct. No volume mode if you have a 333 wirelessly connected to the 332.

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Ah thanks! :+1:

And hence why it’s not an option on a 222.

If system automation is enabled, the variable volume on the streamer is disabled. The variable volume is best avoided anyway, and with system automation there is no need for it.



Very early with a little over 24 hours of being powered up and I’m not going to be rushing to adjust the treble on my speakers just yet. It’s not as bright as it was with the demo unit which was run in, same clarity etc. This is with the brand new interconnect as well, it sounds quite amazing for so soon out of the box. Been playing album after album much of the day.

There are some differences to when I had the demo streamer hooked up, it was placed above one of the 350s and I have taken the Powerline off the 332 and am using the Powerline lite now.

It’s quite strange, I was expecting it to be worse until it settled in!

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That’s great to hear Mark and many hours of enjoyment as the changes take shape as it beds in.

I am thrilled for you. It is a well thought out listening area that looks good and is family friendly.

Well done!

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Thanks Dan, very happy indeed, adding the 333 feels like the last piece of the puzzle has been clicked into place :slightly_smiling_face:


You’re right Mark. It’s always good when you get to that stage and then you can just leave your system alone and enjoy the music.

There can always be more but there doesn’t have to be. It’s knowing when to stop and to be happy with what you have.


Yes it’s a really nice feeling, I think the only thing I’d like to do is get the mains sorted out, and I’ll likely build more speakers purely because it’s so rewarding :slightly_smiling_face:


You can say what you want about OC and NC, but one thing is for sure, green wins over white in evening listening…:innocent:


Green is a very therapeutic colour :slightly_smiling_face:


Especially if you’re a frog. :grin:

Even when listening with your eyes closed :thinking:.

Agree Mark, green is a very pleasant and relaxing color.

Lou Reed was a proponent of White Light way back in the '60s, I am pleased that Naim has finally caught up.