The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

As a Lou Reed fan that’s hard to argue. :grin:

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I have both green and white light , and they both are great to look at … dat and night :blush:

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Reed was a big fan of Naim kit.


I didn’t know that. I wonder which other musicians have Naim kit?

Wasn’t he worried about ‘Transformer’ hum?

I’ll get my coat….


I’ll bet that all the younger ones use a Bluetooth speaker or just their phones :joy:

Damn you we’ve got guests but you’ve made me want to ignore them and play it.


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Good thing he didn’t mention Blue Mask or New York then Pete. :grinning:

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I’m sitting at the table listening to bs (Mrs Pete’s friends) when I could be listening to Lou.


As was or still is Nicholas Cage I believe Richard

Evidently at one stage quite some years ago he had a house in Bath full of Naim gear

Maybe a tall story but I had that on good authority from a drunk student in Bath who had been to his house ha :grinning::grinning::grinning:

I believe Chris Squier (Yes bass player) was an audiophile but I think he had Linn kit. Allegedly he used my local dealer in Prestwich. Celebrity audiophile thread anyone? :blush:

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i am surprised Naim dont have some artists that are ambassadors, bet there are a fair few out there

I think young people call them influencers these days.


I just worry about influenza these days, despite a jab.



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Luckily they are quite different, influencers, way overcrowded with those nowadays, do it solely for the financial gain (in most cases), ambassadors on the other hand are supposed to be rather different, a non profit seeking individuals doing what they do for the love of the brand or something similar.

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Yes, indeed.

I was merely highlighting the concept of a famous/revered individual lending their support to a product.

I might be overly cynical but I am sure most brand ambassadors get a chunk of cash or free use of a product such as a car for personal appearances. Whereas, influencers get access to the product for free if they put it in their social media postings. I am unsure what the difference is besides that each one is appealing to a different age bracket. I tend to ignore both.

yea thats what they call them, i more meant in a nicer way. like George Cloony with Omega etc