The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

When I plug in another cable makes ( see my profile) it brings out the 300s to another level -more wow , with the same tracks between the 2 makes … so I chose the the makes which I am having now. AGAIN , you need to demo yourself , my preference sound may not be yours . Enjoy ur NC :wink:

On Naim’s lack of MQA support, here’s Naim staff on the topic

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Yup I read it … thanks :muscle:t2:

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Qobuz is much better SQ for me here in the states but I haven’t compared in a while so maybe it’s different now. Their app is better too. Add in a sublime sub where I can buy perfect hifi rips and get a military discount makes it a no brainer for me.

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Hi … So I have heard … hopefully one day , I have access to it, at least 2 providers to listen to :pray:t2:

Does anyone have any idea when the software correction for the NAC332 balance issue will be released? This is the one whereby the balance control on the remote and LED indication on 332 volume control show the same direction but the opposite speaker is affected. For example, adjust balance towards right speaker but actually the left speaker gets louder.

Seems like a very valid question, indeed. Does this affect all NAC332’s - inc new units…? Or just some older ones…?

Perhaps @Richard.Dane or @110dB could comment on this…?

I have no issue with the left/right that you mentioned :thinking:

Not sure what I could say here, so probably one for @110dB

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I thought that it applied to all 332s. Let’s see if @110dB responds with some information.

Dare I ask if you have your XLRs hooked up correctly, R to R and L to L same for speakers. The outputs on the NC are opposite of the OC. Not sure if that would matter or not.

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Yes, a perfectly valid question and yes the right out of the 332 goes to the 350 that powers the right speaker and vice versa.

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Last I heard from my dealer they hadn’t received any info on the fix. I believe it was just an issue on some of the 332’s and not all of them.

Maybe this help , power down one of your 350 and see which side the speakers sings

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Yes, done that as well.

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This kind of issueshould not happen when it comes to hogh end kits , especially naim. :roll_eyes:


Hi , has anyone demo marten Parker duo diamond with the NC 300 or any naim kits? I read in another thread but most of them are with other makes …

I use Qobuz through the Naim app.

Can anyone confirm if a 555dr psu will power a 333 & 332 simultaneously?