The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2


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Not possible, unfortunately.

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Letā€™s get right to the point: what a magical match this is! This is really, really goodā€¦. Rhythmic, imaging, controlā€¦ insight without falling into the analytical: itā€™s just all there. Itā€™s just a wonderful, musical system.


What a wonderfully musical system this is. The match with the TADs is particularly successful. Rhythmically, that system is rock solid. It is simply a joy to listen to. Without a doubt, the optional NPX300 power supply takes the system to a new level. But even without the this pricey upgrade, the system is a joy to listen to.


Even if it could it would most likely be a step down from just using it on the 333.
But both units need both sockets so technically not possible.

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Hi Guysā€¦ does standby mode ( NC300s) warms up the system ?

Hi @Bjm

The software to correct the remote control balance was released around October last year. The bug was caught early and there are only a few units with the old software released. Sorry, it was our best early customers who got them.

The NAC 332 does not connect to the internet and canā€™t be updated over the air, like our streamers.

The software has to be updated via the USB port on the back using a PowerShell script. To do this it would need to come back here. Some of our service centres may be able to do it.

I would advices calling your dealer or our service team here in Salisbury and say you need the SW update for the 332 balance correction. They can issue an RMA number to track returns.


Reads nice. :roll_eyes:


How are your Spendors sounding when streaming via 222? Are you happy with the system match? Have you heard any brightness? I have D7.2 with 222/300/250 only for a week and its still running in but I hear some brightness which is slowly settling down. I come from Uniti Nova so it also might be the better resolution that Iā€™m not used to.

I have no issues with brightness with the 222. The NC250 and NPx300 were well run in when I added it.

Iā€™m using the AVO Options Signal XLR and Kudos KS-1 speaker cables.

It takes about 4-6 weeks for the gear to really hit its groove.


Thanks. Funny, I also have Kudos KS1, but Iā€™m now testing with NACA5. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll sound better and better as it breaks in but Iā€™m also thinking about testing with some other speakers. Either way, Iā€™m very pleased, much better than Uniti Nova. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have B&W CM8 S2s, which can be a bit bright. At first, with 222/250, they were still a bit, but they have now settled down, so Iā€™m really happy.


Spendor D7.2s are on my list for a speaker upgrade :grinning:.


I love mine. Had A7s with Uniti Nova, but when I changed to D7.2, man it was an absolute perfect match.

The resolution and layering of the new series 200 boxes show so much more through them, Iā€™m just not used to that. Bad recordings are so naked and out there. Good HiRes records via streaming on the other hand for me is a brand new experience. A very pleasant one.

Iā€™m already thinking about 332 and trying a non naim streamer transport and DAC because Iā€™m only streaming.

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Ha ha, had to read it twice myself! My final interpretation is that the few that got out with the old software went to the best early customers. However, us customers are all equal - none of us are best!

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Thanks @110dB , I contacted Naim service who have said the same as you. I am in the process of sending it back via the dealer. Sadly, Naim will need it for about 3 weeks so including shipping to and from the dealer, I will be without it for 4-5 weeks!

Oh well, headphone listening via my iPhone for the foreseeable future.

Yes, standby mode keeps everything powered up and ready - it leaves just the logos illuminated but all else is powered up. Pressing and holding the standby button for more than 3 seconds puts it into a lower power consumption mode which does not keep everything warmed up.

I hope I have this correct!


Hi , so sorry you got to do without your kits for weeks, but , will be back with the issue solved . Hey, thanks for your reply , yes it helps , so I will leave it in standby mode :ok_hand:t2:

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That is correct :+1:. Although, if counting elephants, best to get to five :grinning:.



Hi ā€¦ thereā€™s many competent streamers out there , have a good listen , but before that , listen to naim streamer, they are good too :wink:, in the end , believe your ears . And welcome to the forum