The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

A review of nap 350 by @JonathanG is now available

As usual a great review.
Thank you Jonathan


Agreedā€¦. Completely. Iā€™m not dissatisfied. Just interested. Minor tweaks are always a bit of fun, but not into leapfrogging.

Is what it is I suppose. Itā€™s not likely you have parity with masters which doesnā€™t really matter in the end. Iā€™ve yet to find a vinyl front end that betters streaming for me that wasnā€™t significantly more costly and of course youā€™re stuck with listening to one recording at a time which is not appealing to me. As always enjoy what you prefer. Maybe you can find some tweaks or a component upgrade thatā€™ll get streaming a little closer for you.


I think there are too many variables to make a direct comparison. There always was with just vinyl and the various iterations of releases. Does my first release vinyl sound the same as my 9th edition re issue? It has become even more difficult with digital. I prefer digital in my best digital kit over vinyl, but then I prefer my best digital kit over my least best.

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Indeed, clearly the vinyl and the 24/192 will be different mixes before you even start. On reflection trying to compare them is probably as nuts as leapfrogging upgrades on sources. They are just different and my stream is revealing enough to really show that up. I am lucky to have both vinyl and streaming in good quality. I love my vinyl and enjoy buying old first press LPs and bringing them back to life in the ultrasonic cleanerā€¦ :slight_smile:


Yeah, I get that. I run three turntables and still hanker after a new cart for one of them, which will move the present carts down the chain, which will expose the lesser phono stages and so it goes on. :smiley: Fortunately my best streamer is my main focus, but the hobby aspect and the unwanted (generally) upgraditis burns strong.

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What record cleaner do you use?

A Velvet Vortex - I mix my own fluid as per their recipe.

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Cool, cheaper than a Degritter :+1:

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So, I have one of the NAC332ā€™s with the reversed audio balance control issue. I saw earlier in the thread there is a fix, but it requires the unit to go back to Salisbury (or maybe just the distributor here in the US). Wondering if itā€™s worth the hassle? It bugs me that the problem exists, but to be honest itā€™s not the end of the world to remember to do the opposite if Iā€™m tweaking balance (I do so occasionally as the listening room is the living room, which is an odd shape/arrangement). Is anyone aware of any other impact from this issue besides the left/right reversal? Thoughts on whether it would impact resale (I donā€™t intend to sell, but never say never should be the subtitle to this community/hobby)?

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Best get it sorted while itā€™s warranted. I would get in touch with your dealer and let them know.


I think Iā€™ve found the tweakā€¦ā€¦ making a full Vertere Redline loom including speaker cables. Wowā€¦ā€¦ Voice no longer recessed in the mix, more controlled and the slight harshness has gone from the streaming side.


What speakers do you have Brendan - the white ones ? Thanks - looks rather cool your system :+1:

Wrong thread I know

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Tx, Atohm GT1. Very high quality French company. Love them

If I understand correctly the NVC TT phono stage can be connected and powered from NSC222 with a type 1 power supply cable - an 8 pin din.

I canā€™t see this cable listed on the Naim price list, Iā€™m wondering whether it would be OK to use this cable if I could get one around 2.5M long?

I can see Naim do other DINs this long. :man_shrugging:

According to the manual, the NVC TT comes with both an Interconnect and the Type 1 cable. You use the latter if powering from the NSC222. It also takes in signal.

At a guess itā€™s probably Naimā€™s usual 1.25m long, but you should check with Naim here or your dealer.

Are you planning to go to the NW Audio Show this weekend?

Iā€™m going on Saturday.

I conferm. The NVC TT comes with two din cables. One 5 pin and one 8 pin.


Thanks Richard, key question is the length. Iā€™ll check with dealer.

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Hi JimDog,
Would very much like to go to the show, and meet up. Unfortunately, Iā€™m a full time carer for my 90 year old mother. I hope you have a great time, and grab a bargain or two. :+1: