The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

I am going to listen to 3x250-03 on 808s shortly. I think you would be looking at a six pack of 350s

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I would like to hear the full 300 new series system with and without the NPX300 on the streamer and preamp. This will be my next port of call. The NPX300 on the NSC222 was very worthwhile
Iā€™m torn between the new Auralic offers and the 300 streamer probably with NPX300

No posts here for over 40 minutes. Needs a bump I think :wink:

We are all getting rather over excited about the new cheap Naim on tā€™other thread.


I spoke to my dealer about itā€¦he reconed that it has a slightly more analytical approch to producing musicā€¦I did not have time to auditionā€¦

Great guy - when I met him it was a humbling experience

Trust me, the folks whining the loudest about dac chipsets couldnā€™t blind test choose them if their lives depended on it. Itā€™s just a reason to whine about something theyā€™ll likely never buy. Same as it ever was.


I have a question on the new preamp and the inclusion of a transformer within it. For all the many years I have owned Naim the best sources all had a transformer in a separate box and in some cases had a separate suspension for the board (think CDS1, 2, 3, NDS, 72, 82, 52, 552, NAT01). We were told that this was best to reduce mechanical noise, and also we were told that the transformer vibrates and produces a magnetic field which affects the circuits Recently some reference products like the N-DAC had the transformer in the box and the ability to power externally.

I would like to understand what has changed - (1) do Naim now think that the new circuits in the 300 series pre-amp are more immune to the bad effects from before, or (2) do the transformers that are now used are less harmful to the circuits than the previous ones.

I am curious as I remember the time and hours spent spacing the our active system to ensure the power supply boxes are far away from the sources (eg SNAXO vs Supercap, 552 vs 552 PS, NAT01 vs 01PS).

Thanks for an answer from Naim!


Jason is good, but heā€™s not the Pope. Iā€™ve never found meeting Jason remotely humbling, heā€™s simply a nice guy, very good at what he does.


Dev, I suspect itā€™s simply practicality over purism. You can buy either 333 or 332 and enjoy them, with a price of under Ā£8,000 each. If a NPX300 was essential from the off, youā€™d be looking at the best part of Ā£13,000 each. That would knock a massive chunk off the potential market.


They havenā€™t finished releasing New Classic products is the simple answer, that and making upgrades over time easier to rationalise and also live with.

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I am very attracted to the new nap 350. I think for those who have a classic system like mine with 252/300/nd55 it is the most interesting upgrade. My question, however, is if one composes a system with 252/nap350/nd55 is able to use system automation by also turning on the nap 350 when it is in stand by. Or do you always have to do it manually?

I think itā€™s a manual switch on the back, not entirely sure how standby works though.

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Dev, you might have to wait until next week for Steve @110dB to give an answer here.

My own view is that it may well be down to a combination of things learned with Statement along with a bit of what HH mentions - i.e. practicality.


He is such a decent guy - he wears his heart on his sleve ā€¦ I found it quite extrodinary ā€¦ his attitude to visitors I found remarkableā€¦I wish more were like himā€¦

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No, donā€™t include the nDAC. The ND5 XS2 has its own DAC with similar technology (same DAC chip, pre-DAC signal processing by the SHARC chip, etc.) to the NSS333. ND5 XS2 vs NSS 333 is the interesting comparison.

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But itā€™s also the case that you can use the internal supply which is a good way into
Naim and you can either immediately or later use the external power supply, in which case the internal transformer does nothing and has no negative effect on the sound therefore. I donā€™t think there is much of a change in philosophy here at all.

But it is a highly sensible move by Naim from a sales point of view. (We are saying much the same thing of course.)


Nd5xs2 vs NSS 333 is a bit a dead comparison, as the 333 should at least be at the level of the Ndx2, but logically better.
The Nd5xs2 has no chance alone. But associated to the Ndac, the comparison becomes interesting, as the Ndac enhances considerably the Nd5xs2.


There is a good (Naim?) hifi dealer hidden inside you rooster if youā€™re in for a career switch . You have sense & reason but any eye for outsiders on the market.


Hi Nigel
Jason Gould is one up from the pope. In my book heā€™s a Naim God, along with Roy George, Paul Stephenson, Mark Raggett, Steve Sells etc and many other Naim staff who first and foremost put music and their customers first. Iā€™m super proud to be a Naim fan boy and super happy to have some legendary pieces in our collection.
Best wishes