The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

In my opinion nDAC is the dark horse, it is the IBL of digital. With a right PS it is well up there at the reference level


I was really tempted by this job. Not a joke. The best for me would be to be half time hifi high end dealer ( would hate to sell only Musosā€¦) and half time doing my actual job. We can dream.


Is there a forum rule that states you canā€™t discuss anything one might consider a negative aspect to a product? If so, please point me to that rule. Telling other members to stop discussing something you donā€™t like hearing about seems a bit odd.

I own just as much if not more Naim gear than most here. Being new to this forum certainly doesnā€™t make me new to the brand.


Apologies if this has been asked already somewhere in the mountain of posts, but Iā€™d be interested to know more about the new phono stage and PS in terms of how Naim see itā€™s capabilities pitched vs the Superline with Supercap.
Is this the new flagship phono or does it still tuck in somewhere a little lower?
Will the Superline continue?
Probably a question best pitched to Richard or Steve.


You wonā€™t buy Naim again. We get it.

This thread is about new Naim releases so why waste your time and energy here?


The new Classic 300 series looks good, well done Naimā€¦

For my interest the NAP350 looks a real possibilityā€¦need a demo, I understand September is the soonest dateā€¦after demoing the new Classic 250.3 I am expecting a good result :crossed_fingers:.
I will run it direct from the DSM/2, and then with the NAC552 (I already have the cables)ā€¦looking forward to it !!

Have a good weekend

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If the NPX300 upgrade for the 332 and 333 are as good as the uplift for the 222, then I would say that for sensitive units and getting the most out of them, that the PS upgrades are a must.
I want to try and get a home demo for the 333, but will try and arrange another demo in Karlsruhe of the complete 300 system.
Going for the complete system is beyond my reach, but the new streamer and possibly an NPX300 would be possible and desirable in my main system. Itā€™s nice that one can use an XPS2 with the 333, if I understood correctly

The ā€œpeople whiningā€ as you have called them havenā€™t stated one negative thing about the preamp or the amplifier. Therefore, you can garner that they arenā€™t here to bash Naim. They are simply drawing attention to a FACT that exists within the streamer

Letā€™s summarize my point of view. Naim is using a factually inferior chip which is used in the cheapest streamer they make (ND5 XS2). They designed the 222 around this chip. To make the 333, they simply removed half of the 222 (the whole preamp section, volume knob, and analog sectionā€¦.then put a new analog output in it while raising the price $2K. No better DAC chip or implementation. They removed half the unit, installed less, and charged you more. That is the overall issue I have with the VALUE of the 333. Nothing more. Nothing less. Iā€™m sure it sounds good, but its value based on all the reasons discussed is highly suspect. It seems more like a price matching proposition than one of providing corresponding value. All products at every release now seem to have the same price attached whether or not they justify it. The same could be said by the assumed BOM of the NPX300, but thatā€™s another can of worms.


Once again, those words were never stated by me. They were stated by you.

I wonā€™t buy the 333. Nor am I in the market at this lower range.

Iā€™m here because I have just as much interest in seeing new products from a brand that hasnā€™t had a total revamp in 23 years as anyone else.

Iā€™ve edited - please refrain from ad hominem remarks. thanks.

As for the rest, did you actually read what Steve wrote about his decision to use the PCM1791 earlier in the thread? I repeated it a few times, just to be clear. He also explained that the NAC332 has a more sophisticated volume control and better pre-amp section that the 222, but I guess you must have missed that as well, or maybe just just made up your mind from a cursory look?


You canā€™t seem to distinguish fact from fiction and just waving your uninformed opinion around. Consider getting up to speed on the subject before pontificating.


@Smoothfidelity - like others have mentioned already, donā€™t waste your time here


Smoothfidelity is not asking an unreasonable question, and 110dB didnā€™t do themselves any favours posting an innards pic of a chassis thatā€™s only 3/4 full. It may well be the case that the ā€œnewā€ implementation of the ā€œinferiorā€ chip and/or the ā€œnewā€ analog output section justifies the ā€œnewā€ cost. As always, only listening will tell the tale.


Smoothfidelity is not asking anything, heā€™s making claims of fact that are either subjective or misinformed. Like your comment about 110db and the chip quality. The reasoning was explained and Richardā€™s now posted multiple times links to the explanation.


Excuse me, Iā€™m just as objective and informed as anyone on here who is not on the Naim payroll.

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Who is Jason Gould?

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Group Area Sales manager at Naim for 21 years and 10 months.

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All the new gear is great news i think.
I like the new look case work over the classic.
I like the way itā€™s sounding over the classic stuff.
I like the way itā€™s all moving and the 300 gear looks to be a nice upgrade over the previous range.
Looking forward to what they do next.

But itā€™s great to see new good kit coming out, just a shame itā€™s taken this long, but thatā€™s life i guess.
Will be interesting to see how they sell as i feel the new 300 range isnā€™t too badly priced compared to the 200 range.
But it really did need updating as itā€™s been left well behind, but hats off to you Naim for a complete new range of products and more to come, thatā€™s only good news.

Plus i like the nait 50, looks lovely and a lovely hark back to where it all began.

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Blimey hadnt checked the forum for a week and then spotted a social media post.

Naim have been busy, i just just looking at the 200 series and now the 300, back to the drawing board

Iā€™d suggest you are confusing cost and value.