The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

:+1: Checked LinkedIn Slamdam? :smile:

No idea what you talk about? :partying_face:


Quality stalking. :+1:t2:

There is an obvious troll operating here chaps. Just ignore him and he will go away. He’s only been here a couple of days and he will get bored if we don’t react to him.


Please name it in your profile.


Yes, criticising a new product due to its dac chip, a tiny thing in the overall picture, is reductionist thinking, especially when the people who designed the bloomin’ thing have explained exactly why the decision was made. Sound quality. As if that matters.


Good question KJC

I don’t know but I suspect the TT phono and PS tuck below the superline/ supercap SQ

I’m curious also if a new classic superline will be produced so can use with the NC 300PS

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I would just say, listen to one first, then compare.
Rather than just looking at components, as we all know, you have to draw a line somewhere if not, there would only be one in line up and very expensive.

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Dac chips are only 10% of the sound anyway if that - the rest is handled by the way it’s applied. Who cares what chip it is as long as it sound great! On one of my systems I’ve a Topping Dac that is one of the most accurate in the world (and cheap as chips) - I’ve also run less accurate R2R dacs (that cost more than a small planet). The difference is minimal, think I preferred the less accurate R2R with speakers and the ESS SABRE ES9038 PRO with earphones. I’m sure the chip Naim uses will be right for the application. After all I think the NDX2 with 555 is an absolute beast of a streamer for the price, I’m sure the new 300 streamer will be at this level or above as the march of new tech continues.


Once the dust is settled I’m curious as to what the upgrade path will be for SN3 users like myself. Would going to the new pre-amp (I LOVE the new look design) first or the NAP250-3? Happy with my source right now.


Can you use the SN3 as a standalone preamp or a standalone power amp?

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That’s the real question. I’m assuming you can (with the correct cables) based off that video from Jason where he talks about backwards compatibility.

The very same question i was thinking about myself. Happy w source (ndx2), but should next move be 332. or 250.3? as I have to scale in over time to new classic. Using Dynaudio Confidence 20s. Damn… for every solved riddle there is a new one to solve :slight_smile: before purchase.


Hmm🤔 I must admit i really am a little weak for sweet little amps like the new Nait 50. Would have been fun to paired it with Cornwall iv as a second system and ad a npx 300 to my main system nsc 222 and Nad m23, Dynaudio Heritage S.

If you buy a standalone preamp and a standalone power amp at the same time, you can take the SN3 out of the equation Marcus…:innocent::wink:


lol You’re a big help there Bjorn lol :rofl:


Just happy to help Marcus :rofl:

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Let’s put this to bed.

From the Texas Instruments website. PCM1792 not recommended for new designs. PCM1791A still active.




This is a grest question, I was quite surprised by a new high end preamp from naim having a transformer in it. Naim always used to stand out from the crowd with no compromise to sound quality, but I can’t fault the decision to make it all more affordable and another box purchase not manditory. I would like to also ask if the 332 still needs a mains connection if used with an NPX300, if the transformer is not energised at least all the vibration and magnetic interference is gone. I could see a 332 alone being at the 282 level, and at the 252 level when the npx300 is introduced. If it works like this, all the other improvements (presumably from knowledge learnt from statement) would indeed see a move forward in design with less products in the range. I look forward to more info about this.


Especially when you are trying to up-sell customers from the Uniti range.