The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Amazing new gear. As a forum lurker I thought I would actually post and congratulate the Naim team on what looks like a strong product launch.

I look forward to going on an evolve journey with my current stack as funds allow. Oh dear not sure what the destination is yet. Maybe start with that power supply….

I’m being lazy as it’s no doubt in the blurb but can the PSU power the 332 and 333 at the same time?

I can hide you in the Summer house, it’s double glazed for convenience and has its own power supply :partying_face:

Looking at the info on the rear of the new range, it seems that the NAP250 is both “Designed and made in the UK”, whilst the others shown are merely “Designed in the UK”.

Any significance, or just an oversight?

That doesn’t surprise me, the only thing that looks different (apart from looks) is the ability to stream Apple Music.

Intrigued by this info on the NPX TT page

It connects to a number of separate elements, including existing Naim products such as NAC-N 272, enabling them to reach their full potential.

Anyone any ideas about what other existing products it is talking about?

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Noticed that I’d say it’s made elsewhere.

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It’s likely so the same rear panel can be used for both production from the Salisbury site as well as the additional production facility in the EU.

I read PCM1791A dac

But don’t see if there is a suspended chassis.

I’m also curious if Apple Music can/will also be integrated into the nsc 222.
Maybe Steve Sells(110dB) can answer this question.

Looking fantastic and a brilliant simplification of the existing range. Really wish I was in Munich now!!

Congratulations to all for what I am sure will be a very successful new line…


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I would doubt it as I’m sure it would otherwise be mentioned. FWIW it’s usually the preserve of ToTL units - Statement, current 500 series and whatever might replace it in future.


Sorry, the NPX 300 can’t do that. One NPX 300 per product.

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I understood the issue with Apple Music native streaming was software related not hardware. Although it is appearing more natively integrated into some cars I notice. Sounds like it is up to Apple unless this has moved on.

I suspect it very much is an NDX2 in new clothing. It’s very little tech talk on differences in general IMO. The 332 page almost feels undone with mostly focus on design and easy to use. More lifestyle, less tech/performance talk. These are the core headers for 332.

Naim know how
Timeless design
Perfect integration
Easy to use
Story of aluminium


Does the new pre-amp still have a record ability? Maybe via the remote? Otherwise I’ll struggle to do needledrops :flushed:

Seems naim have standardised on a single DAC chip now across 222 and 333.

I thought from earlier discussions on this topic after the NSC222 launch, it became apparent that only Sonos had been able to reach agreement with Apple to integrate Apple Music. I doubt if it is actually integrated into the NSS333, but will function as with the NSC222.

It can receive AirPlay as per the other streaming devices in our range. Full Apple music integration is restricted by Apple.

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And as per NDX2 which also lists “Apple Music” on the blurb….

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