The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I’m absolutely stunned by the quality of the Nait 50. My 552 has had to go to Naim for repair/service and my dealer has lent me this until it’s return. It is replacing the 552/350s into Shahinian Obelisks using my NDS and LP12 as sources. Of course it doesn’t have the fullness of the main system but it is giving a perfectly acceptable performance with life, definition, depth and width. Really, really, impressed. I could quite happily live with this.


Good to hear. I expect you won’t want to give it back…

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He’s already said he won’t let me keep it

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there is only the STATEMENT to be better than the NAIT 50 LE

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New avatar for you. :wink:


I’m having a similar experience with a SN3 in place of my 552/500. It makes me wonder when I compare prices!

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I’ve just noticed. The dial really does go up to eleven.



What speaker cables you use withe N50LE

Hi there

I tried Nordost red dawn, Chord Rumour x large and Naca05 with N50

Naca is warmer and the PRAT is highlightened.
Nordost is more detailed, bass tighter and highs are a bit pronounced without being ear harsh
Chord RXL is very pleasant with the old school naim sound I mean nait 5i naitxs2 …
as the N50 is actually the new Naim sound signature

Townshend Isolda currently, works perfectly for me but I guess might be a bit forward for somebody.

I’ve had Townshend Isolda for a number of years and in different systems, never thought it could be forward, more that it has a darker presentation / version of transparency that doesn’t have some of the sheen of other cables. I recently tried it again in place of my Kudos KS-1 and reversed it back out preferring the Kudos, but it certainly has many really good attributes to it that I preferred over many other previous cables, excellent bass for one.

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For me ‘forward’ is not about tonal balance i.e. dark/bright, it’s something opposite to ‘laid-back’ I would say.

Witch Hat Phantom , goes very well with Naim - if you can get it on eBay

I have Audiomica Excellence cables - 3m pair.

I bought them for my main system (Sugden) but I prefer them with the Nait 50 and Neat Petites. Highly recommended.

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Witch Hat Phantom

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Chord Epic X. Works well for me and my system and room.

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Interesting, I use the term ‘forward’ to define the tonal balance of dominant mid tones. A presentation with slightly suppressed mid tones often feels more laid back.


Ahh, ok, that explains it as it is definitely a cable that conveys dynamics and slam. Could be quite funny to find people that have disagreed on statements that are actually in agreement without realising due to a different reference point on subjective terms.

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What a match made in heaven is the Nait 50 and Neat Petites bongoman

An absolute cracker I must say


Thought that was a limited edition for a moment.

Too much wine!