The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Many thanks for the description - I have “mains plug in thump” and “standby thump”. I would not describe “going in and out of standby by pressing the “mains” button as” very quiet. I will try your suggestion of disconnecting the inputs and turning the volume down and let you know if the thump is still there. To be continued…

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Hi fwiw, I get a mains plug thump, or more accurate a click, other than that nothing… whether it be standby, phono or line input (however nothing connected to phono currently). This has been the same for my unit and the loan unit whilst mine is being repaired.
I do ground earth one of my inputs that may help, and I have fairly good RF hygiene I believe. My volume control is around 9 o’clock.

@110dB I assume speaker sensitivity plays a roll in the “thump”?

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sounds exactly how I’d expect

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Absolutely and directly proportional.


While you’re here Steve, any timetable for when Tidal Hi-Res will arrive?

To be fair to Steve here, he may not be able to reply as he’s not involved with the software side of things.

Ok Richard, didn’t know that.

It’s out of my hands to say a date and too many variables for Marketing to promise.

The R&D team are super keen to push Tidal Hi-Res out for everyone to enjoy. It is currently with 3rd parties to approve, then there’s code migration to integrate into the release branch of code etc…the hard work has been done


Okay, thanks Steve, sounds promising anyway :+1:

Hi @110dB - ok just got the chance to try. With no input and volume down still get the same standby thud with the same intensity from all inputs. It is nothing to do with my sources. What is the next step ? Back to the dealer ?

These are doing well now. :roll_eyes:
Look great though. :+1:t2:
Get them while they work. :zipper_mouth_face:

Hi @HHBruno

Give your dealer a call today. And explain it has an uncharacteristically high standby pop and that it does it will nothing but speakers connected and the volume down.

They may have another to compare to. If it’s not right they’ll call our service dept for an RMA and our team will take good care of it. Fingers crossed your dealer can loan you one during this time.


Many thanks for the advice - I will give them a call

I received yesterday my P3/NagoakaMP110.
This turntable is beautiful and sounds fantastic with the Nait50.
What else…:grinning:


Nice vinyl setup, enjoy the music

I see these Nait are available for £1749 brand new, almost tempted!

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They are very good, it lives up to the hype and I am a happy user

But the lack of remote and ( heresy warning :warning: ahead)

RCA rather than DIN inputs would have meant it was slightly more user friendly

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You can use simple adapter, it doesn’t degrade anything (cable difference is way more compared to din/rca)

?! How? If I didn’t have one already …