The Soundtrack Thread

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Magnolia. Good soundtrack, great film. I seem to find another connection between the characters every time I watch it. I think it could well be the best performance I’ve seen from Tom Cruise.

On the downside it isn’t a film that leaves me feeling happier after I’ve watched it. Still, you can’t have everything.


What about Alan Silvestri?

I think nobody mentioned his soundtracks so far. What lies beneath sounds pretty interesting to me.


Yes, he has done some great work. Not heard this, added to my current playlist.

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Hi, long time erratic reader of this forum (old and new), short time member, first time posting!

Folks have already posted many of my favourite soundtracks, but also provided a large number of other recommendations which inspires further enjoyable exploration - thank you.

Here’s a couple of soundtracks that I’ve enjoyed:

Schindler’s List - simply awesome, both film and soundtrack.

The Bourne Supremacy - love this, some tracks to sooth the soul and others to really get the blood pumping.

The Piano - this film drew attention to New Zealand years before a series of little films about Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves and Rings blockbustered their way to international acclaim. ‘The Piano’ was released during the 6 months I spent camping, tramping and driving around New Zealand - a fantabulous experience.

Moving on from original film scores to ‘music from’:

Good Will Hunting - excellent film and an excellent collection of songs to gently chill-out to.

Chef - a feel good compilation of songs from start to finish, never fails to raise my spirits.



Hi @Togs101 welcome to the community,
An excellent list of soundtrack choices, and a super cool avatar you have created to identify yourself with! Looking forward to reading more from you.


I almost forgot this one, it’s quite engaging!

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One of my fave Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals.


How about some Studio Ghibli soundtracks:

When Marnie Was There

Princess Mononoke
Princess Mononoke

Kurenai No Buta / Porco Rosso

Howl’s Moving Castle
Howls Moving Castle

Laputa Castle in the Sky
Laputa Castle in the Sky




First Man. Fantastic from start to finish.
Listen to “The Landing” first. Loud…


Apollo 13. Brings me back in time and in awe of the space race era. Track 13 - master alarm - made my dog jump out of his bed.


When I got all my LPs downstairs , this was one of the first I played


What a great film! And a (sort of) Wagner’s greatest hits as soundtrack!

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I always think there are 2 or 3 great hours of music in the Ring Cycle, shame it goes on for fourteen hours

As for the last production that showed on Sky Arts :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1: :-1:

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Having sat through ENO’s Ring Cycle staged over the year in 2004 I would agree with you. And don’t get me started on T&I - 5 hours to resolve a chord is far too long ( although I did see it with Nina Stemme at Glyndebourne which was brilliant)

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I have heard them all by now, almost. Henry Mancini, Get Carter, Shaft, et al. All are great soundtracks. But they all put my feet to sleep.

I am a big Ry Cooder fan. This Ry Cooder soundtrack is my favorite vinyl demo album. It grabs your attention from beginning to end and works as an album without the movie.

Check out “Skin Game” for the best Naim demo track ever. I bet it sounds good on CD, too. The other tracks are in the game.

Turn it up. Like it below and let us know. Thank me later.

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Apollo 13 is one of James Horner’s greatest, along with Star Trek II. When he plagiarised himself two years later for Titanic, it didn’t excite me as much.

In 1996, I managed to pick up a copy of the rare promo CD that had just the isolated score on it, without the pop tracks or dialogue. I later found out it was a bootleg, but I believe it’s a straight copy of the original (which was itself a straight copy of the master tapes) and it certainly sounds extraordinary - huge soundstage and bass to make your sofa shudder.

Last year, Intrada put out a long-awaited remaster which is still available from their online store. It’s not cheap, though.

The filmtracks website has a wealth of information on this (and many other scores), including details of all the different releases and which are worth getting:




I’m sure that, like me, when you watch a movie you can frequently pick who composed the soundtrack; Horner was one of the worst self-plagerisers but most do this. I suspect that many directors ask the composer to produce music 'like '.

Great shame he crashed his plane, he composed some great music.


Almost a soundtrack

Film xx