The Vintage Planes, Trains and Automobiles Picture Show

Whoops, friggin’ phone screen viewing, missed it (sorry folks)

34028 started life as a full fettled Bullied ‘Spam Can’
The original Bullieds proved to be high service cost engines & in mid 1950’s they opted to rebuild them rather than replace them in favour of the Stnd 7 ‘Britannia’ Class.
The unique boiler casing (access issues) & the chain valve gearing (cost/reliability) were removed, the BFB wheels and other stuff were retained.

You know your stuff, but I was referring to Eddystone. It looked lovely in the sun on our way back from a long walk. Difficult to avoid the railway in Swanage, not that we want to, but apart from walking it is another attraction.

I’m a long time Swanage fan, been visiting for many years, as a kid, misspent yoof,
honeymoon, then every other year or so since, sometimes just passing through or odd days or longer. I’m a birder so Arne, Poole Harbour & Studland Heath are the main reason we visit these days.
Problem to me/us is the hotels are not the best (getting fussy in old age) they’re OK but could do better. Favourite pub/restarant is the Black Swan, other places around town are good, sorry that no high end dining in town.

I’ve not been down that way for years but on one occasion recall a steam train and Corfe Castle together in my view creating a perfect Miss Marple moment. I didn’t think to take a picture - I should have.

My wife’s parents came here every year, and then had a house overlooking Durlston country park when they took early retirement, so we have been coming here for a long time. We went to the Black Swan last night, it was the first booking we could get this week, it’s very popular.

I tried the other day but had too many fat fingers to press the button on my phone in time

Been waiting for our new our new phone connection finally got it today. :grin:


I had one of those given to me as a kid to play with. I wish I had it now. Cool looking thing.

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I finally got round to digging some up…

The first one is inspired by all the Bulleid pictures posted earlier but firmly belonging to a rival concern. This was a few years back and led to quite a gathering at my local shed in Didcot. I think there were 4 Castles there (not all visible), built as far back as 1923.

Moving abroad, but with a railway theme, when I lived in in NYC I’d often walk past the disused floating bridge by 69th St on the Hudson side that used to be used to get trains on and off the island. The George Washington Bridge is in the background.

Also while in the US we visited Virginia, home now to the USS Wisconsin, launched in Philadelphia in late 1943.


Captured this on the South Downs a couple of months ago. Looked in good original condition except maybe not the colour.


Not seen chrome this good on such an old bike. Had 18k miles on the clock.


Ahh, the dirt track. Nice post. Undersung heros. Well … not heros by my standards, but not publisised enough …

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Couple of engine run ups yesterday evening.


At the wedding of my wife’s cousin this 23rd of September afternoon.


She’s a runner. Click on pic.



On the ramp at Northolt this evening

Hurricane at night by jamiewednesday1, on Flickr


Hurricanes AND Typhoons.

Close up with what’s more commonly banging around a few thousand feet above my head.


Modern vintage

Quite awesome being so near these and below is a video of the one on LHS. Moved round to do the one on the right, nearest me and…Well let’s just say it didn’t come out so well! The heat and wind blast was immense.

5A4A2795 by jamiewednesday1, on Flickr


Be a Busman’s holiday for you then!



After nearly 15 years they still don’t bore me.