Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Congratulations. I hope to do the same by the end of next year…

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Nigel, this is banter and I always tip well and have a smile on my face , I try to always treat people as I would like to be treated and that means not not just treating people as robots but interacting with them , most realise I am trying to be gently humorous.

I worked behind a bar for very little money and have nothing but empathy for those who do the jobs at the lower end of the pay scale



Sounds like something cringeworthy my brother would say.

I think banter is conventionally meant to be a two way conversation.


Saying ‘I was rewarded by a look of panic’ doesn’t exactly chime with showing empathy, it shows that the waitress was upset. It’s really not banter, it’s just annoying. You are in the position of power and the person on the other end is unable to respond in the way I’m sure they want to.


jeez spare us please!


Yes, that’s probably what they are thinking.

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Have seen a guy on a motorbike looking like something out of The Muppet Show a few times in recent months. Is it a craze? Is it legal I wonder as it’s potentially distracting.

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Yes, it’s legal and you’ve clearly seen them which may well be the intent. No SMIDSY :slightly_smiling_face:

Just Googled 'muppet bike helmet’ images and yes it seems to be a thing.

Just cracked 1/4-1/3 of one of my lower left molars down to the gum - have been describing sensitivity/pain to dentist and hygienist for around 18 months.

Nowt on previous recent xrays but waxing and waning gum inflammation. One of those teeth that I’m not certain ever deserved a filling when I was a kid!

Much less painful to bite - doubt that will last more than a few hours :worried:


Maybe the circus is in town …

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En route to the pool, encountered congestion, rural style.



No bull? :wink:


Just spent 15 minutes on line with tv licensing answering the same six questions four times over in case they discover I have broken the rules and did need a license should they happened to take me to Court.

Of course I don’t have to respond but that probably means one of their operatives… sorry salespeople would be banging on my door demanding quite improperlyto enter my house to check my tv.

They truly are an unpleasant company.


I filled 332 prescriptions in a 9,5 hour shift, played in an ice hockey game, and replaced a switch in our old Hoover upright vacuum, averting a $300 purchase and spending only $8 on the switch from Scamazon.

A shout out to the guy who had a video on YT detailing every step of the repair process for this exact model, without which I’d have been unable to do it. Left him a small donation as a thanks.

I hope my life isn’t too exciting for forumites - I’d hate to be the source of a hypertensive crisis…


I hope the majority were signing off repeat prescriptions (something of a necessary chore I’d imagine)! :wink:

YouTube fixes are great aren’t they - ideal to let you decide if you have the requisite tools, skills and patience to salvage something. I’ve seen the odd few however where safety features are disabled to get the product to work!

I’ve got an old Samsung monitor I really should try and fix as the likely faulty part was only a couple of pounds on Amazon.

Whether refill or new, the process is pretty much the same. American medical care is broken beyond all repair and has been commoditized - and I am now at an independent pharmacy, which are nowhere near as bad as the Big Box outfits.

That YT video was spot on for me - I’d have been unable to even get it apart without breaking it, let alone reassemble it!


Holy sh*t, you gotta slow down. You don’t want a heart attack. You just described two weeks of work at my end. :grinning:
Nah, just pullin’ your leg … my relaxed pace would drive you nuts.

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I have to take a soft exception to the scamazon use. I find Amazon to be incredibly enabling in so many situations. I’ve had the same experience with other repairs; fridges, vacuums, cars and audio gear etc.
Each time I can have $7 switch, or whatever, delivered to my door next day, when it would cost $25 anywhere else. Sometimes, no one has it here, but if I wait 5 days it will come from China for $1.85 tax and delivery included.
So, when people dis Amazon or Jeff Bezos, I have to wonder. If you don’t like what he pays you, go work somewhere else … I couldn’t care less. I love the guy.


Amazon delivers to rural France, duty normally paid before delivery. No complaints here.
I object to Amazon not paying full tax in the country of operation, but then I object to every shyster company that does that, and most of them do.