Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

My issue with Amazon is the number of counterfeit products on the site. In the case of my switch, it is almost certainly made in China, and nobody is representing otherwise. Ditto for products with unusual “brand” names and product descriptions in broken English, where branding is irrelevant and everyone knows what is going on.

But there are a significant number of Amazon products branded as known trademarks that are not from those companies - clearly counterfeits. If I buy Black & Decker spools for my string trimmer, or D’Addario guitar products, I expect to get products made by that company. You would have to be high on drugs to purchase branded perfume from Amazon.

The B&D spools didn’t operate correctly in my trimmer - wouldn’t advance the auto-feed. I thought the machine was broken - had to keep opening the spool and manually advancing it. Then I got some at Home Depot, and voila - the trimmer functioned again. Closer inspection revealed minor differences, despite the branding and part number on the packaging. I have likewise gotten guitar strings at a “good price” and realized they were not the branded product once comparing the packaging and strings to legitimately purchased items.

I object strongly to the selling of trademarked packaged items that are counterfeits. This comprises a not insignificant portion of his business. If I tried selling them, I would likely get in trouble, but then, I’m not a member of “The Club.” (As the great George Carlin said, “There’s a Club…and you and I ain’t in it!”)

As for my pace - I’m only working because I have to. At 66 and having had a mild stroke back in March, I am concerned as well. (Of course, I have always maintained a “mild” stroke or heart attack is “someone else’s.”)

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Oh, I see your point. I haven’t seem to have come across this situation with Amazon, however, it sounds like I have and just didn’t realize it from what you say. I will definitely keep an eye out for that sort of thing now though, thanks for the heads up.
I apologize for poking fun at your busy pace yesterday, at the time it sounded as if it was your somewhat usual routine and that was merely my comical way of suggesting a slowdown. I certainly didn’t mean any disrespect and I’m sorry to hear of your recent stroke.
It’s quite amazing and unfortunate I suppose, just how many of us on the forum here have some type of medical condition or setback. But I guess most of us are getting on in years on this forum. I, myself, am 68 and I don’t feel old on this forum at all. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Almost all the audio Forums are populated with old blighters - this naim one is no different :older_adult::wink:

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Brought vacuum cleaner from hallway passage into sitting room at behest of my cleaning lady (aka Weekly Miracle) went back into hallway, came back and tripped over vacuum .

Hit display cabinet with head, cabinet undamaged , more shaken than stirred


Annual trip to the palace “tenue de ville exigé” for a concert by the Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo, and a mesmerising performance by an unnervingly youthful pianist (no sheet music).








I see a future for you in comedy sketchwriting.

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Yep. We go every year, although I have only one friend who likes orchestral music enough to pay €45 and put on a suit and tie in August…

I havent worn long trousers since June, and a tie since the last concert in Monaco this time last year.


Are you ok, hope it hasn’t damaged your already damaged knee. Us old buggers need to be careful.


Had to paint new render around the new windows, and decided that since I was on the extension roof anyway, I might as well give it a good clean. Took longer than expected, but jobs done now.


Hi Pete , several things combined to break the fall , so I’ve had worse .

You are right we don’t bounce back as we once did :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

best wishes

PS Hoping you are on schedule to be released .


Oh no need to apologize - I agree with you regarding the pace of my life! Sometimes I feel like I am rushing my life away.

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Received one of these on my phone,followed 2 seconds later with the building shaking. All the locals ignored their phones and carried on. Just the foreigners looked amused/ concerned. Normal business here, but a first for me.


Where are you ? Tokyo?

Yes. Hot and humid.

Did check this place out though.


Old moneyed blighters…


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I tried to play down the wealth factor, :sunglasses:

Phew! Lucky the cabinet is undamaged. :upside_down_face:

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No, we certainly dont. Any seemingly innocent fall can break a hip or pull a muscle. Most of us ol’ coffin-dodgers here have to be vigilant.

I also buy D’Addario and Martin guitar strings from Amazon. I’ll have to inspect the product and packaging carefully. I just recieved a different brand from Amazon, can’t remember the name. A set of medium-lights for $10 cad which is a good price.