Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Do you live in a rough area? I often empty the bins at night, but my biggest fear is treading on a snail.

No definitely not a rough area.

Emptying bins, cat tray, loading van for next day, looking at my plants, watering plants, etc. Loads of small things that get done after dusk. Comes early in winter.

Sadly, my neighborhood has deteriorated significantly since I moved here in 2013. I wouldn’t want my wife to walk at night, and even if I did I would bring a huge flashlight both as a light source and a club should it become necessary.


When we first moved to Colchester we were lucky to have the Ghurka regiment in the barracks. It was almost every weekend a few yobs would pick on some little guy Ghurka) and come off worse.


Had my first mince pie of the season.

Washed down with a large mug of black coffee. Too early in the day for a glass of port.



That’s bonkers! It’s over three months till Christmas.

To be very direct: you’re giving away your privacy and paying for it.

I’ve come to the point that I don’t ring a Nest doorbell anymore. I knock on the window instead - however I think Google still spies on me.


Why would Google spy on you?

We have a google home hub or such in our kitchen. To test whether it listens in I randomly started talking loudly about my interest in owning a tractor. How I would dearly (no pun intended) love one etc etc.

Within an hour or so the social media feed on my iPad was showing me an instagram pic of an actor friend of mine…sitting on a large tractor




At least it wasn’t that pervy MP.

The camera still sends images / video’s to the cloud. Big tech companies store and sell this information for their own good. If I ring a Ring doorbell somewhere in town, Google is able to map me to that person. This sounds no big deal, but I find it frightening that an American company can entirely track me, both online and in the flesh.

I’d also not be surprised if my details end up in a database like Clearview (recently in the news).

Another fun product: gen tests so that one can see where someone is from. People are basically giving away their entire genome.

Its not just Amazon ‘the killer of highstreet’ as you posted before which is a problem.

Ring is of course owned by Amazon. I use my iPhone for navigation when I need directions in town, so I imagine that Apple knows where I am. I’m not sure I’m that bothered really, I’ve nothing to hide. We can take paranoia too far and let it ruin our lives.


Exactly. Every shop knows where you’ve been, every credit card, every street cam, …

I have nothing to hide and I don’t care.

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Ha! The one caught looking at ‘Speciality Tractors’. I’d forgotten about him.


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Not sure you’re narrowing it down!


Sunday actually, my youngest daughter flew home from Singapore for a short break but with the fantastic news that next March I’m to be a grandfather.


Hey……great news Lindsay


Get thee behind me Satan !!!

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Reminds me Gary, several years ago there was a guy who was a volunteer fitness trainer at the Stoke Mandeville Spinal Injuries Unit, a Para Afghan veteran, but half is right arm missing. He was walking across the hospital car park one evening and saw these thugs mugging this lady, he ran over, intervened and left all 3 of them prostate on the ground!


They’ve still hot x buns in my supermarket.