Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Thank you William, I went to a Royal Naval school there between 67 and 70. It was great , very “different”.

It produced members of the Red Arrows, Paul Young went to school there and this is how we spent our summer afternoons .

I think the afternoons at RAF Kalafrana were the happiest days of my life .

The breakwater was used as a mooring point for flying boats in WW2, all gone now.

I like to get back, I stop in the centre of the island , next to the Presidential Palace .

It was the right decision but at this moment I am a little more upset than earlier today.

99% certain it won’t be covered by the insurance as it was a pre-existing condition of the musculoskeletal.

PS A lovely way to spend the summer months and all paid for by the British tax-payer . I imagine that the only place where something similar exists is Cyprus, those kids don’t know how lucky they are


I can imagine the worry for all concerned , and lets not forget the digger driver - as a public liability claim it is going to be a biggy and the lawyers will have a field day on the underground lay-out of the varying pipes and was the driver correctly informed

Can you please give Pete our best wishes and a spiritual hug?


Will do


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First fishing for 5 months. Nice day in Wellington


Took a walk at the Sydney Botanic gardens.


As I understand it, the digger driver only had very minor injuries, so a very lucky man. Could have been a lot worse. Fortunately, there were no other injuries or properties damaged in the ensuing explosion and fire.

The gas board have advised that they have now removed 150,000 litres of water.

As you say, it’s going to be a big bun fight to sort this out in the end.


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On a whim on a sunny day got on a train with my bike for an afternoon cycle from Ohlstadt to Garmisch-Partenkirchen with enough time for a pint and return train to Munich


I’ve had problems with scabby bits in my ears - otitis externa - for a few years now, which comes and goes. It got annoying recently so the docs took swabs. The lab tests show that not only to I have the standard bacteria and a bit of candida, I also have MRSA. Grr. They are liasing with the hospital specialists to work out the best way to treat it.

On a more jolly note, I’ve received my copy of the wonderful Sally Rooney’s new book, Intermezzo today. It’s a signed limited edition from Kennys bookshop in Ireland and I’m looking forward to reading it. I note that someone is already offering their copy for sale at €159 on eBay. It’s just like limited edition records, where people buy them to make a profit rather than because they actually want the thing. Hmm.

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Mrs CW has retired so we are out and about, I keep forgetting a daily diary, so just two events in the last week.

Took her to a sewing show, as you do I used the facilities. Of course I washed my hands, this bloke complained that me using the hand dryer was interrupting his phone call!

Went to Ikea, office section was interesting, the new Mittzon range includes several sound absorbing panels, don’t know how relevant to home audio, but might be worth a look?

Just to be clear that I understand…, after you used the facilities you washed your hands. Someone else is in the facilities, I assume using them?, and then complains that the hand drier is interrupting his phone call?

So he is in the process of using the facilities whilst on a call? Or does he just chose the facilities as a suitable place to make calls? Either of those cases is awful. I dislike seeing people on the phone in that situation, I feel it is exceedingly disrespectful both to others in the vicinity and to people on the other end of the phone. Maybe it’s just me (it used to irritate me greatly at my last ‘corporate’ job)

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You are right. He walked in holding his phone, in the trendy speaker on mode, stood at the urinal…
As much as anything else, having a smartphone with a camera in that situation???
Of course, the noisy air dryer was totally inefficient, so I had to have a second go.


Think about it… Hand to hmmm to phone to ear. Never mind UTI, how about ATI (auditory tract infection). Eugghhh :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Taking the pi$$


Using a phone in a public space of any type in ‘speaker mode’… Well. It’s a good job my hypertension is medicated since the modern world gives it much to get elevated about!


Or taking photos :flushed::flushed:

I think I would have needed three or four goes to get my hands really really really dry! :smiling_imp:


Out walking Zhukov this afternoon I spotted a sheep with its head through a fence. In theory the apertures in a stock-proof fence are such that a sheep shouldn’t get stuck but something didn’t feel right. Paused to observe and got “bleated” at.
Parked Zhukov and went for a closer look. Turns out this sheep, in a demonstration of the infinite wisdom of sheepkind, had stuck it’s head through a part of the fence that was partially blocked by a fencepost. Little bit of ear folding, fence bending and gentle persuasion did the trick. To be honest it wouldn’t surprise me if I had to do the same again tomorrow.



What a nice thing to do. Well done you :clap:


I went to the Gielgud Theatre to see Juno and the Paycock, J. Smith-Cameron was superb, powerful and moving, as Juno, and Mark Rylance brought out the comedy in the role of Jack (the Paycock) while also bringing the pathos. A slight technical hitch when the scenery didn’t work with about 10 minutes to go leading to the audience sitting with lights up for a couple of minutes didn’t stop the performance being a tour de force.

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