Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

If Mrs HH would like to go, you could ‘take one for the team’??

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And it’s only a short 8 hour hop across the pond. Takes us over 4 hours just to clear Australian airspace.

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I still find it surprising how many towns and cities in the UK are named after places in the US and Australia ; )


Perth WA—Perth Scotland

Rather different weather. Male hairstyles may, or may not, be better in the Scottish one, not sure.

Haven’t actually been to Perth Scotland. Looks scenic, like a lot of Scotland.


They started the Qantas PER–LHR direct route using the 787 some years back, think it’s about 17hrs though typically varies a bit…

Nice to go straight through, but man I’ve never been tempted…guess I would if I had to in an emergency, but it must be pretty feral onboard by the end of that flight…! :crazy_face:
Because of Star Alliance, I’m incentivised to always fly with THAI or Singapore anyway, so always gives me the chance to swing back through Bangers or sometimes Singapore…must admit, past few times I’ve just connected straight through, just to get the trip done with – don’t enjoy flying as much as I once did. Actually it’s not so much the flying, it’s all them people at the Airports…! :roll_eyes::rofl:


Funny enough, here she is chugging across the Indian Ocean currently, another 2 1/2hrs to go…!


Trouble is it’s a 7 hour flight from the east to get to Perth.

And not cheap either…!
I would come East more often, but it’s become silly money to fly, it really is as cheap or cheaper to go to SE Asia…

They were talking of adding a direct SYD–LHR route…I think Qantas did a test flight, but I can’t remember if it ever became reality, think it was all just before Covid and may have got all messed up….

Long bloody way though on two engines and a prayer…! And let’s face it, Boeing doesn’t have a rock solid reputation for build quality just now…! :flushed:


From Perth which is 5 hours away from the east coast.

Looked it up two days ago, and yes that route is available. Non -stop.

Boeing may not have the best reputation , but Quantas has

I much prefer Airbus

Ah ok, wasn’t sure the route had been put into action…

Yes, Qantas has a great safety record, well they did until that A380 engine blow out…! Never been much fussed about flying them for some reason….but as I say, once you’re tied into a air-mile program there’s less incentive to flick around…

I agree re Airbus – wish they hadn’t killed the A380 to be honest, far prefer it to the 777 etc…


Even with a blown out engine they still got everyone home safely.

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One of the reasons I like planes with 4 engines – didn’t they used to say the 747 could fly on one engine if need be…? I prefer to increase my odds….! :rofl:

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Media suggests that it is making a comeback , if I read rightly there is a London J’Berg Australia flight from BA with an A380
Screenshot 2024-10-24 at 09.51.37

EROPS - Engines Running Or Passengers Swimming

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Interesting….Obviously there’s still the existing planes about (even if some airlines sold them off) and the likes of Emirates have a whole active fleet of them….but sadly, Airbus are no longer making them….I wonder if that’s something they could/would reverse, especially in light of Boeings current woes (they have something like 5000 planes on back order), but I suspect it may be one of those things that’s harder to start back up again than it is to shut down….

I remember at the start of the A380 production, the wings made in the UK being sailed down the river and then transported by road….I also flew one of the first Singapore Airlines flights with the A380 – everybody was pressed up against the glass in the terminal at Changi looking at this massive plane for the first time……Still amazes me how smooth it is on take-off – how it even takes off at all…!


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IIRC, when my cousin comes to UK from Perth, he often looks at Qatar Airways flights. I think several hours stop-over in Doha, but was far cheaper than Qantas — although I understand Qantas’ prices have eased of late(?).

Qantas is way too expensive we never fly with them.

Yeah, Qatar are often well priced…even their Bizz class…
A380 as well on the PER route…