Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

And currently 17mins away incoming to Perth…!

Well this is exciting stuff. Almost as exciting as me recruiting a new member for my Wednesday Pilates group!


My first job was with a large insurance company headquartered in Perth, Scotland.

Many years ago I attended a two week residential training course there in the month of December.

Coming from near London, I was well used to the miserable UK winter weather. However, I was surprised to find that it was not properly light until about 10am, started getting dark about 2.30pm & was properly dark an hour later everyday I was there!

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It would have been the opposite if you had gone in summer. On the North coast in Summer there’s hardly any dark.

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Sadly, I was only sent there in the winter months!

I don’t mind the bleak winter period but have always thought that the really long hours of darkness north of the border would have been difficult to adjust to.

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Fortunately for me, I don’t mind flying. Which reminds me, yesterday (things i’ve done in the last 24 hours) I successfully undertook my Assessment of Competence as a Flight Examiner.

AoC requirement comes around every 3 years. I’ve lost count of how many AoCs i’ve now done, but they never seem to get any easier !


Not the Generally Awful ? I found our Scottish Head Office lived in a world of their own

:wink: :wink: :wink:

To be honest Ian, I was too young to have any idea of how businesses of this size worked so I have no complaints of most of my four years at GA, Maidstone.

One of the memories I do have is of the Chairman’s visit to the branch in about 1975. Mr Ian Stuart-Black was so important that he was flown from Scotland to Heathrow, caught a train to Maidstone & was picked up by the company Rolls Royce from the station & driven to the office. Which was two hundred yards away…

The car had been transported to London via car-train.

Things were done properly then!


Wife and daughter will be on one this evening, Boston to Heathrow. Never been on one myself, but they used fly over the site when they were doing testing circuits from Toulouse Airport (before they went into service). We were on the other side of Toulouse from the airport. The visiting Brits would always stop and watch; our French colleagues would just shrug.

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I sat next to a nervous passenger in some turbulence last Wednesday.

I said “You don’t like flying?”

She said " No not that, I don’t like crashing"


It doesn’t surprise me …

I heard of our CEO hosting a real Ghurka curry from the back of the company roller served by real Ghurkas at Twickenham.

The story goes that when GRE sold itself to AXA he purchased the wine reserves

Mad days , supported in the main by people in the branch network who worked hard… I feel the need for the tablets when I remember the profligacy that sometimes happened

I’ve had one more take-off than landing…:slightly_smiling_face:

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Celebrated my eldest granddaughters 30th birthday.


Wow………my eldest daughter is 30……no grand children.


I was with the muscle/skeleton/pain consultant to day.
I find it uncomfortable to lie a bed on my left hand side and not wanting to get completely under the influence of 30/500 cocodamol and gabapentin an injection has been arranged for later next month. It is a deeply set bursa so the needle will need ultrasonic guidance.

Lovely, we all need something to look forward to.


Ha ha. I’ve got my flexible sigmoidoscopy booked for next month. Isn’t life fun.

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You have my sympathy. I have great pain if I walk, and lying in bed has some discomfort in most positions particularly lying on my stomach, which is my normal way. The dull pain and unfamiliar positions make for poor sleep.

I have been using Voltarol and gradually there has been minor improvement. I take one paracetamol at night. I think I am stoic, but don’t want the constipation that comes with strong pain killers as that brings pain on the loo from the greater trocanteric pain syndrome as well! The surgery notes suggest 2-3 weeks before coming in again. It’s very inconvenient not being able to do much. It’s something not to have pain sitting down.



I will let you know how and if the steroid injection helps.
Nearly 2am sitting in my recliner as tonight tiredness will not overtake the dull ache lying down.
I still fare well compared to the few of my contemporaries left standing.

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I remember when I had a Frozen Shoulder, the Physiotherapist recommended to try Acupuncture to help relieve the pain.

Went to the person she recommended and I recall that he used really long needles going into the shoulder ball joint. You could feel the needle going in between the socket, but didn’t hurt as such.

He then connected a TENS machine to the needed to stimulate and heat the joint. Starting at just uncomfortable, then once you tolerate that, would turn it up and repeat.

One day after a few sessions he was doing, I said to turn it up and said he couldn’t as I’d maxed out the machine. He further commented that he’s never had this before with someone on maximum. I asked what’s the max people usually take and he advised around six, most people begging to stop at around five.

Nice to be unique.


I had a few TENS sessions for a broken wrist many years ago. The wrist still doesn’t articulate properly.

Dutch truck ended up on top of my car. The Jack Russell and I had to be cut out. A lifetime ago.