Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

You can see from the post that it didn’t do that and also if it had, why would it need in-flight refuelling?

That Typhoon had clearly been in operations somewhere, which is what @Fatcat is saying.

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I’m not an RAF pilot, but a plane might take off with a lower fuel load to ease take-off, then top up its fuel tanks in flight.

Perfectly feasible.

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Why do people I know keep dying? Maybe it’s because I’m an active member of our local U3A and therefore I know a lot of people older than me. Late last year a woman I met through our pétanque group, who had recovered from a brain tumour had a recurrence and died. Two weeks ago a lovely woman I’ve known for years died suddenly in her 50s. Then yesterday I heard that a woman I’d met through our wine group has died. She was diagnosed with cancer in late autumn last year, but was really positive and had started chemo and now she’s gone, at 70. Another friend of ours is seriously ill and needs a bone marrow transplant, and is currently in a London hospital. It’s all a bit rubbish.


That is one of Tesco’s nice new crates. Very generous of them to let you borrow it!

The Typhoon and refuelling plane both became visible on flight radar 24 after leaving Turkish air space.

I suspect they had been on a day trip to Yemen or close vicinity. :blush:

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So sorry

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Went for a sunshine powered bike ride up the Rio Verde to Otivar with Mrs. G.


I had no idea :hushed: it was how my engine parts were returned to me with the cylinder head inside.


Enjoy it while you can. I lost my closest friend at 66 last year. Completely out of the blue.


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I lost a close childhood friend to leukaemia in the early years of secondary school.

I somehow blamed myself as the last time I can remember seeing him alive was teasing the poor lad on the school bus for not having his top shirt button undone and his tie loose as most of us did on the way home. Late 70’s. He died of an infection.

It’s almost 19 years to the day when my best college friend died from cancer on my birthday (the day before his). My birthday has never held any meaning for me ever since, and this may be the reason I’m starting to feel a bit morose today.


I couldn’t put it better, hard to know what to say.

I think it’s coz we’re all getting old! I meet up with the old buqqers from A***** most Thursdays. The conversations are either pensions, the present incumbents’ latest medical appointments, or funerals.

It p1$$es me off as well.


I lost my lovely workmate when he was just 23 to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I was just a few years older than he was. The last time I saw him alive he looked like he’d just come out of Belsen.
He died a few days after that.

It’s now 30 years ago but can still draws tears.

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Gee that’s just cheered me up no end, I’ve just been diagnosed with B cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Hopefully treatment and outcomes have improved greatly since your colleagues passing.


Oh sh%t, sorry. I sincerely hope there have been huge leaps forward.

Radiotherapy has improved as i was treated for an acoustic neuroma tumour on a highly accurate machine with a feature called ‘Exaktrac’ that has a much more precise targetting system.

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Don’t know what to say Pete, but I suspect you’re correct that things have moved on a lot.

Best wishes.


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I’ve spent some time this week trying to get on a British Sign Language course. Unbelievably one course only catered for hearing people! :neutral_face: So that’s me excluded.
I’ve now registered with another BSL group for when the next course comes around.

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@Alley_Cat @Guinnless sorry I didn’t mean to make that post as negative as it probably sounded, it was meant to be a little tongue in cheek. Unfortunately I’m still coming to terms with the fact that one way or another my life is going to be different. Also think it’s probably a good idea to check out until I know more, last thing I want to do is stop people talking about their experiences. I shouldn’t have responded.


Had a lovely surf swim :sunglasses:


A friend of mine had non-Hodgkins lymphoma and fully recovered. That was about 20 years ago, took about 6 months of treatment and recovery time and he is still fine today. After his illness he continued his successful business career too and is still working aged 80.

Anyway we are all thinking you Pete. Best David