Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

You was absolutely right to reply. No offence taken by me, :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry to read that youngster. I hadn’t been keeping an eye on you.

I hope you can get some speedy assistance.Sounds very uncomfortable.


There isn’t any right or wrong way to deal with these things. The openness folk here show is incredible. Once you know people one can empathise and it helps one to share one’s own problems. You have been incredibly supportive. We all hope that your problem get fully resolved.



Thanks getting by on co-codamol, volterol and grumpiness


What was the temperature? Looks cold.


Sea was 23°c, day about 26, but was a little hazy at the beach.

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Warmer than UK then ! :joy:

Oddly first time this year I broke into a sweat doing some shopping with too many layers on.

Spring has sprung.

Dawn chorus heard for over a week.

Frog spawn in the old sandpit not used as such for years.


I’m sorry if my posting about a memorial service set people into a realm of melancholy. And very sorry to hear of your diagnosis Pete and wishing you bon rétablissement. I hope for your - as well as Langmeil’s - sake, that your condition does not involve not-drinking.

Phil was a good friend and died last summer after being hit by a car while cycling. It was an accident. He never regained consciousness. In some ways an enviable way to go.
But far, far too soon.
And my sympathies are with Phil’s son who was cycling with him, and witnessed the whole thing. Felix is a semi-pro cyclist, he managed to get back on his bike a month later, after realising it was likely a now-or-never thing, and asking himself what his dad would have wanted.
And I feel also for the driver (unknown to me, but their life changed forever that day too).

Let’s cherish what we’ve got…


I wouldn’t worry Rod. While this thread is ostensibly about what people have been up to in the last 24 hours, people seem to get most excited about discussing their illnesses. It must surely reflect the Forum demographic.

Last summer when we were in Albi I got an allergic reaction to Dove antiperspirant and had to see a local doctor for steroids. We weren’t able to pay at the time - we tried but they refused - and thought no more of it. Then about a week ago an invoice arrived. I phoned Albi earlier today to pay avec carte bancaire but the answer was non! A virement (bank transfer) is the only way apparently. It was my understanding that international payments use Swift and incur a £15 charge, which is silly on a €25 invoice. So I rang Nationwide and was told it’s possible to pay without Swift, for 45p charge. So that’s what I did. Mrs HH is very pleased by this new discovery, as it makes holiday deposits plus facile.

The other exciting non death and non illness event is that I received a £40 M&S gift card from Levara, and so I cycled over to Havant and bought some pants. Who ever said retirement lacks excitement.


Whistle stop ‘Tour of Hampshire’ today and hit the National Trust sites at Hinton Ampner and Mottisfont. Pleasant bonus of decent sunshine this afternoon, appreciated after all the recent wet stuff.

I prefer mimosa when it has lovely liquid alcohol in it, but my neighbour just gave me a bunch of her floral version.

Looks and smells wonderfully Spring-y!


What about Western Union I use it to buy some photographs from a professional photographer in Malta :malta:?

We installed a two-span bridge on our big shared path project last night. It’s a Re-purposed old steel truss rail bridge that we restored and added timber decks and handrails too. And then with brought them to site on a very impressive truck and lifted them into place with a large crane. A civil engineers big night out😎. We are building this next to a bypass that I managed the building off back in 1998, so a nice connection there too.


That puts the Lego thread into some perspective.


Feet up tomorrow with a glass of wine👍


Lovely to see it’s getting a second life. Chapeau!


Was Question-master for the annual Belfast Science Festival quiz. We had fewer participants than last year but that actually worked better, giving time to engage with the teams whilst collecting the answer sheets.
Afterwards several folks came over to say how much they enjoyed the event. That’s never happened before.
Drink was taken.



Spent an enjoyable afternoon at this exhibition:


As I mentioned in another thread and as we are now back home, I don’t mind revealing that our house was unguarded for two weeks while we were on holiday in South Africa. We went to a game reserve of course. These are a couple of photos I like. There is more to tell, but I will not bomb this thread with too much at the same time.


Is it that time of year again already? :blush: