Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Thanks for reminding me - I don’t always have the phone on my person but it tells a pretty grim tale - no more than 4000 steps a day recently, often much less.

I remember that you could smell Seal Island a mile away .

The Great Whites had a feeding frenzy , one of the most amazing days I have spent in Africa

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I take it you don’t use it on the main roads. :thinking:

road registered (this isn’t a photo of the actual vehicle) with lights etc and there is a road that runs through the farm so it does go on that. But not main roads

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I just noticed.
I’m sure you’re an upstanding citizen. :wink:

I got the photo off the internet as i couldn’t be bothered to go out and take a photo of it


I’ve never done that. :roll_eyes: :+1:t2:

Tembe in South Africa and Lewa Downs in Kenya , worthwhile for Black Rhino

I have a picture of me having a G&T with a Black Rhino behind me

Not a Black Rhino chaser?

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I’ve been to Longleat, does that count? :wink:


Are things improving in the back/hips? How did the appointment go (can see you mention an xray and some gel for the knee)?

Afraid not. I live in West Berkshire and I believe the bones of a Rhino that roamed Oxfordshire 60,000 years ago were found. I look at the countryside and wonder what exactly it looked like then and what animals were indigenous to Great Britain (i.e the land mass of England, Scotland and Wales)

My favourite Rhino photo (taken 2009 )

Are things improving in the back/hips? How did the appointment go (can see you mention an xray and some gel for the knee)?

A lot of pain , slight improvement in mobility , a new tube of non-steroidal , anti inflammatory needed. Can still only walk 400 metres or so , may try for a swim in the slow lane tomorrow with my gentle backstroke .Had x-rays , a story I will not inflict - told ten days for a result , so arranged appointment a couple of days later

Thanks for asking

best wishes



Had a new boiler fitted, fixed a problem with the van, went shopping and watched a lonely shower drift on by while sipping a G&T. Tis a good day!


Wolverhampton has certainly come on a bit!


Sounds like the day from hell

Pallant House Gallery in Chichester has a really good John Craxton exhibition on at the moment. There is also a very large tapestry of his on display at the Cathedral, where he sang as a boy. So this afternoon I went to meet Mrs HH from her dance class at the Festival Theatre and off we went to the Cathedral. The tapestry is amazing and well worth seeing while it’s there. Going on the train means more steps, 6,500 in fact, but Mrs HH has done 12,500 so that’s me in my place.


Just had it confirmed that it’s a rare blood cancer that can’t be cured but hopefully can be kept at bay. I start a 6 month chemo treatment in 2 weeks. Cheers.


Rod it’ll take a lot to stop me enjoying Langmeils wonderful reds. Thank you for caring.


That is positive news - look after yourself Pete


Best wishes for the treatment. Phil