Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Best wishes, Pete.


Replaced the dead dipped-beam bulb in Mrs Willy’s car. Did the other side a while back and complained on here about what a pain it was, especially for anyone with decent sized hands. Access is through a cover plate in the wheel arch and then a screw off cap a couple of inches behind that. Can only get fingers in up as far as my knuckles to pull off the electrical connector, unclip the retaining spring and then get the bulb out. Having done it before I knew what to expect, or so I thought.

The retaining spring came adrift. It could have fallen to the bottom of the housing but oh no, instead it became entangled between its own mounting plate and the bight housing body. When I reached in to try and remove it I couldn’t see what I was doing. Indeed I only knew what was going on by taking a photo on my phone. Eventually got it out with a torch and a long pair of tweezers but in order to do that…

All to change a bloody light bulb!




Just a note. If the jack slowly ( or rapidly) collapses there isn’t anything stopping the car hitting whatever is underneath. Slip the wheel under the sill somewhere for safety.

In a weird way that’s positive Pete in that it can be managed, thinking of you and fingers and toes tightly crossed.


On my Sierra and Granada headlamp bulbs can be swapped in minutes with no tools :grin:

Wheel was under the front end of the chassis where the suspension attaches.



All the best, mate.

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All the best Pete

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Best of luck Pete - and look after yourself…

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Best of luck Pete!

Most of us get a turn at the world turning upside down with an illness that kicks our arse for a period of time. As the old saying goes ‘it’s darkest before the dawn’ and hopefully the treatment passes quickly and you have many bright and beautiful days ahead. Sending along some positive thoughts your way…


Attended the Boston Bruins vs the Seattle Kraken hockey game last evening. Game ended tied 3 -3 then after a five minute overtime period was scoreless the Seattle Kraken won the game in a overtime shootout with the final score 4-3.

A friend of mine originally from New York City who is huge hockey fan shares four season ticket seats with friends. He had a couple of open seats and invited my wife and I to the game since he knows the Bruins are my home town team. A fun game and the new arena in Seattle is fantastic. There was also a few hundred Boston Bruins fans wearing the home colors of black and gold in the stands out of the 17,101 folks in the stands.

Life is Sweet!


We were lucky enough to Vancouver v Seattle a few years, really enjoyed the experience. The puck is a little hard to see at times though.

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We (The Bruins, my team too) were robbed by the disallowed goal! Could have been very different.

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Arranged to purchase four of these

They’re a hybrid of Blue and Barred Plymouth Rock hens. Mrs Willy likes the look of them. Picking them up Saturday.



They look lovely👍

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Best wishes Pete, if it can potentially be kept at bay that’s encouraging news.

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Wow Willy! Are they cocks?

Well, another year older and just noticed my teenage son is now taller than me and probably considerably wiser. If only he could get up in the mornings!

Where do the years go?


Point of lay hens.


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Lovely looking creatures either way!

Need to brush up on th’old Mr Herriot I suspect :blush:

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