Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

No worries Peter.

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Been a non-stop, and expensive, day.

Took Zhukov to the vet to get his “bum squeezed”. Seems to need doing about every 9 months. He was reasonably relaxed about it all. Think he’s figured that it’s beneficial. Price has gone up from £13 to £14.95.

Then on to Hobbycraft as my son needed some stuff. Whilst he was in there Zhukov and I investigated Pets at Home and of course had to buy him a new toy.

Next stop the Garden centre to order a poly tunnel. It’s a more sophisticated design with a galvanised steel frame and much bracing. The covering is 4mm thick twin-wall polycarbonate. Should be delivered in a couple of weeks.

Got home and had a call about Mrs Willy’s car. I had correctly diagnosed a broken front spring so the pair need replaced. The front shocks are leaking so a new pair of those as well. The top mounts of the shocks are seized so a pair of those. The also noted that the rear springs were past their best so, you guessed it, a pair of those as well. Ouch.

Then headed into Larne for grocery shopping and the warning light on my son’s car is back on. My fix on the O2 sensor lasted about 120 miles. Given that the car is using “a bit” of oil, will need a pair (or two) of shocks soon, a couple of tyres and an exhaust we decided it’s time for it to move on to the great parking lot in the sky rather than attempt an MoT. Bugger.



At least the “toy” is loved.

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Some days it ain’t worth getting out of bed.

As for the bum squeezing our vet tried to teach us but we couldn’t bring ourselves to do it plus the smell is horrible.

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Changing the subject from dogs’ arses, we’ve just got back from seeing Madama Butterfly at the local arts centre, streamed live from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Truly a wonderful evening.


Arrived today for a couple of nights stay in Copenhagen. We have been once before and I really like this place. Everywhere you look there are interesting buildings and some wonderful modern furniture and homeware shops. Good food too. Saw this steeple / tower out and about this afternoon with a dramatic external spiral staircase. Guess what we will be climbing tomorrow?


Don’t envy you the climb, just the knees to do it with


Lovely! I’ll be there for a conference at the end of June. Looking forward to it.

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Mrs Duck and I decided to treat ourselves so we are going to see Madame Butterfly at the ROH this Saturday - all the reviews have been excellent so really looking forward to it


You’ll love it. Have a great evening.

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Took my eldest son to the Egyptian Museum. He surprised me by showing an interest.


I’d like the few minutes back which I spent trying to recognise anything and anybody on the very long list of winners here (save Sarah Lancashire). It seems they missed the studio cleaner and security guard awards. I must be out of touch.

Today, out on the bike in the Forest of Dean.



I’ve been tidying and getting rid of stuff from our loft, mainly because it got too depressing to look in there and partly because I was wondering about upgrading the loft insulation. Apart from the big pile of Naim boxes, including the two that the SL2s came in, there still seems to be an awful lot of stuff which it’s quite hard to know what to do with.

One worry is a big box of papers from when I was a trustee of a big well known charity. In fact I was vice-chairman and then later chairman of the audit committee, so all manner of tricky situations are contained therein. These papers all date back 30 years but I don’t think I can just chuck them in a council recycling skip. But it’s a considerable faff getting them securely shredded and it isn’t feasible to do it on my small office shredder at home. Maybe I’ll just put them back in the loft!

There is also quite a lot of stuff belonging to a daughter. Her attitude is unhelpful. “Oh don’t worry dad. I will clear it all out after you are both dead!” Why she wants me to keep her A level work and text books now she’s the same side of 40 as I am, I do not understand!



And at the same time as clearing the loft, we are dealing with the fact that our oldest cat has lost 20% of his weight in four months. The vet isn’t sure why this is happening and so we are basically going to follow a long and expensive process of elimination, starting with “a dental” under general anaesthetic with biopsies of suspicious tissue being sent off for analysis.

He seems pretty happy overall and spends much of his time on my lap, so the whole question of what to do and when to stop is very pertinent.

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Hello David, having a large pile of papers that needed destroying I put them in the bottom of the compost heap , covered with grass clippings and the usual veggie stuff and after a while they disappeared

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I still have to store my daughter’s Enid Blyton Secret 5 & 7 books.

Not much else up there. My first amp,a wooden boxed Rogers? A yellowed wedding dress from fifty odd years ago and a pair of trainers she was so proud of but never got to walk in. I don’t have the heart to……

I worked for a builders merchant before full retirement. The floor manager never wanted split bags of cozywrap insulation on the shop floor so they went into my loft.

Could you not give the paperwork to the Charity? Assuming it still exists?

I still have stuff from school and I’m in my late fifties now. It’s normally only blokes that hoard stuff though :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi David, I went thru the same loft clearance thing when I retired. The problem (dread) was years and years of junk.
My need to do this was multifaceted, dispose of all the old work archives, reposition and rewire bedroom and bathroom lighting, rewire and expand TV and FM aerial points, replace and reposition water tanks, renew central walkway and finally new 400mm insulation.
It took all of 3 months, all but the water tanks were totally DIY, but so so well worth the effort.
The pleasure of an empty attic is hard to understand until you’ve experienced the change from a junk heap.
All I have now is the Naim and other boxes and two aerials. :heart_eyes: