Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

I can’t remember the last time I jumped a round of showjumps on a horse. (Dressage is more my forte) but Mrs VV got a new horse last year and the agreement was she would dressage him and I could get my feet off the ground again.
Today was the day, very rusty but thoroughly enjoyable, especially when Digby finally said “ thank goodness you’re with me, come on Dad let’s do this”… and we did.


Hello William,

The pool is a 25 metre , at the moment it seems I can swim just about as far as I can walk

Oh yarbles

I do remember your posts about the Ghan , you have given me a target …

There are a lot of lovely cameras, watches, audio equipment, cars on this forum but your posts were one of the few that made me want to do or have the same

Best wishes



Thank you, you are very kind. Glad to read how well you are recovering. These things take time but your swimming performance is impressive

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Now that the worst of the cold is gone I’ve turned the GCH off. Using Aircon now and saving money :money_mouth_face:

Definitely a change in the season days still warm her but the nights a bit cooler. Enjoy the warmer weather.


I took a friend to lunch , after due debate we took my 'umble Suzuki instead of his Mercedes coupe as I had a better chance of getting out of the Suzuki

A nice pub lunch of slow cooked roast beef at a country pub.

These days the standards of pub grub is very high


I find it better to go to a pub in the fastest car possible.

That way you stand a chance of arriving before it goes bust…

A sad sign of our times.

They have been closing close to us, this pub is well supported

I think the phrase is low hanging fruit , Covid etc has put many pubs on a knife edge

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That looks nice, a classic country pub. We went walking this afternoon, a walk from the house down to the harbour across the fields.

As we got back into the town it seemed silly not to stop at the pub.

Shortly after we sat down, a pair of ducks arrived. For some reason the pub’s dog water bowl was on the wall. The male duck sat patiently while the female had a drink. She then flew down to the water, he had his drink and then joined her. Animal behaviour is just fascinating.


Got given 50-60 gm of Kefir grains today. Milk from the local farm. Used 10gm in a pint of milk. First taste tomorrow. Anyone else doing this?

Found 2 people to take some of the rest.


The Lord Raglan?

That’s the one. It has a new landlord, who hopefully is better than the previous one, who destroyed the pub’s reputation. The beer was very good so it bodes well.


I don’t have a clue what Kefir is Filipe, & am afraid your photo is not selling it to me!

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I was going to ask the same question. I have no idea what it is.

Fermented milk drink (with kefir grains, whatever they are). Supposed to be good for gut health.
Tastes a bit yoghurty.
Pretty trendy. My workplace sells it, nuff said…


Further to @steviebee, just add proper milk rather than UHT and keep at room temperature for 24 hours. The yogurt is then filtered and the grains returned to the fridge until the next time. The grains double in about 3 weeks.

Best to Google and follow a recipe.

Basically a probiotic food to improve gut health.


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Thanks, wiser now.

Still feel your photo is not promoting Kefir in the most favourable light!


The question is


Just why?

Took our son and his girlfriend to Heathrow yesterday afternoon for their flight to Sydney, for a friend’s wedding. Had a text this morning saying that they are at a layover in Singapore, 33c and exhausted already. I was exhausted after the three and a half hours spent getting to the airport and back.


Landed in London where the weather is truly sh*te

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