Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

We’re not always the most intelligent of the 2 sex’s. Hope he can have some kind of recovery.


And changing the subject, our old cat Freddie has kidney disease, very common in old cats. The vet wanted a urine sample and this was very tricky because we have three outdoor Maine coons of which Freddie is one and if one of them gets locked up overnight (so as to pee in a helpful place) all three of them make an almighty fuss until we let the prisoner out again.

So I have taken to stalking Freddie in the garden with a suitable container in my hand. But to no avail. He did pee right in front of me a few days ago but I didn’t have a container handy (and I discovered almost immediately that a cupped hand doesn’t hold enough cat pee to be useful!).

Anyway half an hour ago, Freddie headed out into the garden after a snooze and so I went too and I encouraged him to go to his favourite peeing place (he follows me round the garden often, so did this time too) and sure enough he squatted for a pee, so I gently lifted his tail and put my little pot under him to catch the stream. And I was totally successful!

I took it to the vet’s straight away and the nurse said never before in her 20 years in the job had anyone managed to do what I had just done. It was all very satisfying!


That’s unfortunate. FAST is your man for strokes, Face, Arms, Speech, and above all, Time! Hope he improves.


Sorry to hear this. I hope that time brings some improvements. I guess his cholesterol was high over a long time. My school friend’s son, who died suddenly a few weeks ago aged 49, had atherosclerosis on his death certificate after a PM. He was an ultra fit cyclist.

I remember you saying you have been on statins for twenty years or so. This all raises the question of when some people need to go on statins. I can see that the damage is done over many years, but it is in part an hereditary thing. There have been recent reports of how ED is indicative quite a while before other symptoms show.


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I don’t think his cholesterol was high actually. He had a lot of tests after he collapsed one day. Turned out he had very high blood pressure and COVID 19 too. Since then he has had his blood checked many times in the last year and he got his blood pressure well under control, also started walking a lot every day, 15 miles per day minimum. I think if his cholesterol looked questionable he would be on statins already.

As it is, the medics have not yet been able to identify the cause of the clot or possibly clots that caused the stroke.

Likewise my closest friend at 66. No indication at all of anything amiss then, out for a casual bike ride alone, found by two women…gone. Artherosclerosis.


Sorry to hear this. Since the new year I have been doing workouts on the elliptical trainer settling on 30mins a day at about 7mph. It certainly helps with BP. I have been wary about overdoing it as a mid septuagenarian, but the benefits seem to outweigh the risks.

I check BP after exercise every day and take the ECG from time to time.


COVID does nasty things to the blood in some cases. Just had my invite for the Spring jab. Admire him doing 15 mile walks every day. Hope it works out for him.


Whilst meandering “aimlessly” around Geneva today what should we stumble upon…



OK, I give up. I can’t see Zhukov anywhere…


The clue is the watches thread I think.

I know - a silly joke on my part.


Silly jokes are the best sort!

Re my postings a day or two back about my younger brother who had a stroke last week, I just heard he is being transferred today to a small intensive stroke rehabilitation unit in another hospital some 15 miles away. Places in these units are very sought after and rarely available. We were told that the demand is so high that they only send patients there who they believe are totally focussed on getting as much back from the stroke as possible.

So that is good news, for a change.


Hoping all goes well for your brother

best wishes



It is – a few months back a friend, post a severe stroke (having spent several hours on the floor in his flat), was transferred out of hospital to a care home, as they thought he wasn’t focused on recovery.


Good news. If it helps to hear, my dad had a stroke due to work related stress in his late 50s and somehow made it home on his own. By the time we got him to hospital it was well over the golden hour rule and, whilst it took quite some time, he eventually made nearly a full recovery with a slight limp. Fingers crossed your brother can achieve something similar :heart:


Arrived in Zermatt. Checking into the hotel. Realized our passports, and Mrs Willy’s jewellery, are in a hotel room safe in Lausanne. Frantic phone call. Emailed that they’ve got them at reception. Slight detour tomorrow to pick them up.

I believe “doh” is the correct response.



Early start from Zermatt on the Glacier Express, until…



Just a tip St Moritz - the most expensive place in the universe - although being in Switzerland I expect you’ll well acclimatised to it by now.

I went to St Moritz a couple of years ago for the white turf racing. Horse racing on the ice.

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