Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Many thanks, Pete.

I hope everything is going well down under.

The above post got me reminiscing so here’s a cheerful picture of happy family times back in the day.


Behave ! :wink::joy:

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I had a blood test yesterday to check my cholesterol and creatine kinase levels. The test was done at 11 am and I’ve just checked the NHS app and all the test results are there. It’s wonderfully efficient, and great to see at a time when the NHS is struggling in many areas. The phlebotomist was brilliant, hit the vein first time and I hardly felt a thing.

My statins were changed to Rosuvastatin a while ago and the initial 5mg wasn’t enough to keep the cholesterol down. So the dose was upped to 10mg, about 12 weeks ago, and that seems to have done the trick. The CK level is also normal, which is good. CK it’s important, as statins can sometimes cause muscle wastage, and CK is the indicator of that.

In other news, we won £550 on the premium bonds yesterday, which is good news because the annual art trail is on this weekend.


Picked up my new Orthotic shoes yesterday wearing them around the house to break them in as instructed they seem very comfortable.

When I was issued with my first of several pairs years ago my feet were measured manually and readings taken then sent off for the shoes to be made. This time they scanned my feet with an iPad to create a profile and at the time the consultant said that they had had a few problems with this new procedure with poor fitment.

He was not kidding as this process has taken well over a year and the first two pairs did not fit as intended so in the end they sent one of my old pairs use as pattern with changes to the heel and sole.

Well we did get there in the end and if these settle in OK then they will sort another pair.

Started the warmup for a CD player shootout

I can only justify one player - my collection is not much larger than the ones in the photo!

Naim CD3-5 vs Sony CDP-222ESD, the Sony having the potential trump card of a Philips TDA1541 DAC which many regard as the best way to decode CD audio…

I’ve done initial listening and the Sony does indeed sound like a CD player, the Naim is subtly different. Which is better? Hard to say which is the reason for running this experiment over a wet and gloomy bank holiday weekend.


I visited a local hifi event today. All in all a nice couple of hours spend with some interesting systems. Here’s an example:

Nova PE was also there but I have to say it did not do much for me although I heard some people saying it was great…


Came second in this afternoon’s treasure hunt here in Tralee. Wonderful prizes…

Truth is my team mate did most of the work as I was still trying to walk off last night’s excesses.



Been out walking this morning. Found an ancient stone circle.


I asked my dealer about the Nova PE……they thought the Nova at almost half the price sounded, better……


It’s awhile since I have listened to Nova so cannot really compare but this PE version was too clean and cold sounding for me. It was loud though and could fill a quite large room.

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I think the loud bit was the design brief.



Eating al fresco at Muckross House I made a new friend.

Would be useful if I could take him home as it’d mean if never have to eat a crouton again, though to be fair Zhukov has that, and much more, already covered.



Lunch at Portarlington.


A days idling in Porto before setting off on the Portuguese Camino tomorrow.


Dinner outside. Hot dogs, chives from the garden. Ice cream for dessert.


That is one I would like to do !

Buen Camino


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From a May bank holiday weekend in Cornwall.
Visited RHS Garden Rosemoor.

Lady Anne’s house.
Wysteria in full bloom under a glorious May sky.



What a great day to sun oneself and generally laze in the grounds of Mottisfont Abbey, near Romsey.

Earlier on I was delighted that, on request, they opened up the upstairs Derek Hill collection, including works by Degas and Pasmore as well as Hill, in addition to the rest of the regular Hill collection downstairs. Even better - no crowds !


We were there yesterday (Tuesday). Very quiet and peaceful. As you say, no crowds. Spent much of our time talking to the gardeners.